The Marquis de La Fayette

Beginning in mid August 2024, we will observe The Marquis de La Fayette, an outstanding participant, leader, and Freemason in our American Revolution, and celebrate Lafayette’s visit to all the – back then in 1824-1825, twenty four states.

The plan throughout our fifty year old young nation, was to honor Lafayette and show “how much we had grown” and how the nation had changed in those past few years.

Author Edgar Ewing Brandon in his three volume book “Lafayette – Guest of the Nation” notes that the planning in New York and New England was so elaborate that the smaller towns of New Jersey could not hope to equal Lafayette’s visits with “magnificence’s and richness of display.”

Lafayette was honored by towns, businesses, universities, military units and, throughout, his tour, by Brother Freemasons. The Marquis and his son, Georges Washington Lafayette, were both Masons and became Masons in France. [1]

Left: The Marquis de Lafayette
Centre: Oath of Lafayette 1790
Right: Georges Washington Lafayette
IMAGE LINKED:  wikimedia Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

André Nicolas Levasseur also known as Auguste Levasseur, was the personal secretary traveling with The Marquis de Lafayette or Gilbert du Motier, during their visit to the United States and he authored his papers in 1824/1825 and in 1829 published the travel’s notes and memoirs in two volumes with the title of “Lafayette En Amérique, En 1824 Et 1825: Ou Journal D’un Voyage Aux États Unis.”

That same year, one translation appeared in German and two in English (New York City and Philadelphia). A fourth translation, in Dutch, was published in 1831. Levasseur’s work has been an important source of information to historians. It continues to be cited as an important primary source: particularly as an account’s witness of the events surrounding Lafayette’s celebrated visit. [2]

As “Count” Levasseur, he, too, received the orders of Masonic knighthood in Columbian Commandery No. 1, K.T., New York City in 1825. [3]

But particularly, Lafayette and Georges were both honored and recognized throughout the American tour.

Lafayette was received by the Masonic lodges in many of the towns he had visited some fifty years before during his military service and was welcomed many, many times as one of the last friends of George Washington and as a living hero of the American Revolution.

Did the 1824 25 tours reproduce the visits of those places Lafayette visited some fifty years ago? The tour back then was to celebrate Lafayette and was not designed to reflect his visit.

This time the places he visited back then will celebrate the tour. Let us look at New Jersey as an example.

General Washington first had come to Morristown, N.J. in May 1773 with his stepson, John Parke Custis, passing through key areas on his way to Basking Ridge to visit with William Alexander, or Lord Stirling, who would soon become a major general in the Continental Army.

In Morristown, Washington will establish two winter encampments during the Revolutionary War. And the best news during the war was on May 10, 1780, when the Marquis de Lafayette had returned from France, and when he arrived at Morristown and at Washington’s Headquarters, he shared the news that the French would be sending troops and ships lead by Count Rochambeau and that was to be a key turning point in the war.

And certainly, now that Lafayette came to visit America fifty years later, he will certainly return to Morristown as soon as possible! Not going to happen like that!

Although this research is certainly aimed at Lafayette and the visit to so many sites within those twenty four states, some facts about the people that waited in line to get closer to Lafayette, maybe to make supper or host their guest, or to swap stories, maybe remember events and experiences in their service together or others were just lucky to have Lafayette visit their town on this day.

Our country was still young and there were many leaders and contacts who again met with Lafayette and were, and still are, famous and related in history to Lafayette.

About a week of his visits in September 1824, covered a trip of a tour from New York, through New Jersey and “down” to Pennsylvania.

September 19, 1824 – About a week earlier, Lafayette’s boat, the James Kent, was headed up the Hudson to visit West Point, and passed the Tappan, New York area.

In his book, Levasseur then added and wrote out the story of General Arnold’s betrayal and the Major Andre trial. On the voyage back to New York City, returning from upstate New York, on Thursday the 19th, the steamboat Kent stops at Fishkill Landing.

Here Lafayette and party were welcomed at the home of Caroline De Windt, granddaughter of U.S. President John Adams.

Caroline had married into the De Wint family from Tappan, NY. Lafayette had met the De Wint family during the trial of Major John Andre. Washington had stayed at the De Wint home four times during the war.

September 20 – The group returned to Manhattan the next day, and on Friday, a dinner was held in his honor at Washington Hall held by the Grand Lodge of New York Freemasons that evening.

And on Monday, September 22, the tour left NYC and began to travel through New Jersey to Pennsylvania, stopping in the towns on the way. The Masonic Grand Lodge of NJ plays an important part, and this is where and when we will begin his trip.

Lafayette had landed and then began his visit in New York City, August 14th and then shortly headed north to other states.

Leaders had planned to have the Marquis travel with their local militia and guides to change from one town to the next, but now during this visit he was heading south for the southern states, and the tour was to swiftly move through New Jersey.

The Governor of New Jersey, Isaac H. Williamson, Esq., decided that Lafayette “should be escorted by the several branches of the militia from the moment he sets foot on Jersey soil until he should cross the Delaware into Pennsylvania” and the Governor gave strong orders that this be done.

Leaving New York to Jersey City to Trenton and on to Philadelphia
IMAGE LINKED:  wikimedia Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

The James Kent landed in the area known then as “Bergen Jersey City” and later was known with adding “Lafayette,” making the area sometimes called “Bergen Lafayette.”

The landing spot was originally closer to the waterfront before an extensive landfill was built in the early twentieth century, expanding the city’s size.

left: Isaac Halsted Williamson
right: Gen. Jonathan Dayton
IMAGE LINKED:  wikimedia Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

As Lafayette arrived, he was met by a delegation of local officials and dignitaries and was taken to a nearby hotel where he was presented to the Newark committee which included leaders such as Col. Thomas Ward, Theodore Frelinghuysen, and future Mayor William Halsey. At this meeting, resolutions were presented to him on behalf of the people of Newark, expressing “their sincere and respectful congratulations.”

While what was supposed to be just a “landing” and then to quickly continue the trip directly down to Newark, Lafayette entered Jersey City and was then placed in a carriage drawn by four horses. He joined a parade to the Bergen Hotel at Five Corners for the festivities. It is about noon, the twenty third of September 1824.

Lafayette is now on the move and shortly, reached the junction of the five roads, followed by his group and a cavalcade of prominent New Jersey officials. His coach, now drawn by six white horses, was pulling the famous wagon that had been presented by General Washington to Mayor Richard Varick.
When Lafayette met with Mayor Varick, there was a greeting from two “old” friends.

During the war, a report by Col. Richard Varick, one of General Arnold’s aides, told a story of his experience as an aide, working for Arnold. Varick was recovering from a fever in the Arnold house and he heard “a shriek, and this staff officer found Peggy with her hair “disheveled and flowing about her neck; [in] her morning gown with few other clothes remain[ing] on her—too few to be seen even by a gentleman of the family, much less by many strangers.” Mrs. Arnold then proceeded to ask if Varick had ordered her child to be killed and then asked to “spare her innocent babe.”

This outbreak was because General Arnold had just told his wife that Washington had learned of his betrayal and Major John Andre had been captured and left the house. At Andre’s trial, General Lafayette was a member of the Jury, and it would take place in Tappan. Washington would stay at the De Wint house. Later in the revolution, Varick would serve as Washington’s aide de camp and private secretary.

left: Col. Richard Varick
right: Peggy Shippen Arnold and son, Edward
IMAGE LINKED:  wikimedia Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

Varick’s body of work from this era would lead to the “Varick Transcripts”, which are in the Library of Congress.

The value of these documents has been noted throughout their “lifetime” as invaluable to the understanding of the formation of the United States.

Varick was a founder of the Society of the Cincinnati and the American Bible Society, also a slaveholder, and a longtime trustee of Columbia University where he was a chair of the board from 1810 to 1816. [5]

Lafayette’s arrival was the signal for the loud cheering of the inhabitants of Bergen, who had assembled to welcome The Marquis and then to hear a presentation by the Dominie (a title for minister) John Cornelisen, pastor of the old Bergen church. (1793 1828)

Before Dominie Cornelism was Dominie Jackson, an uncompromising patriot, and during Revolutionary days his open and emphatic support of the cause of liberty did much to strengthen its advocates. So open was his denunciation of King George and his supporters, that he was arrested and taken under guard before Lord Howe, in command of New York. He was released and permitted to return to his labors.

Dominie Jackson was totally accepted by the congregation, until there were indications of mental disturbance, and his faculties failing; then the two churches requested that they be relieved from the obligation of their call and be permitted to find a new minister.

The church at Bergen gave him, however, the use of the parsonage they had built for him, together with four acres of land adjoining, and the church on Staten Island likewise made some provision for him.

Arrangements were made by the churches at Bergen and the English Neighborhood for uniting in a call to some minister who could meet the wants of the two growing congregations.

And, on the 28th of November 1792, they made a joint call on John Cornelisen, who accepted and began his ministry.

Until this time, all the services in the Bergen church had been in the Dutch language, and the church register was continued in the same way until 1809.

By the terms of his call, Dominie Cornelisen was to preach in Dutch at Bergen on Sabbath mornings, while at English Neighborhood he was required to preach in that language only occasionally.

When he was officiating in English Neighborhood, the “voorleser” who was a prominent citizen in New Amsterdam, and whose duties spanned across law, education and into religion conducted the services at Bergen.

The newspaper records that Dominie Cornelisen proudly presented Lafayette with a walking cane. It was made from the acclaimed apple tree that was felled recently during a storm on September 3, 1821.

However, the walking cane, now housed at the Louvre Museum in Paris, is inscribed: “Shaded the Hero, and his friend Washington in 1779 presented by the Corporation of Bergen in 1824.” The date “1779” should have been “1780.”

Dominie Cornelisen began his address, and the large crowd became silent: “General, on behalf of my fellow citizens, I bid you a hearty and cordial welcome to the town of Bergen, a place through which you traveled during our Revolutionary struggles for liberty and independence.

Associated with our illustrious Washington, your example inspired courage and patriotism in the heart of every true American. You, Sir, left your abode of ease, affluence, and happiness, to endure the hardships and privations of the camp.

To enumerate your martial deeds is currently unnecessary, yet they awaken and call forth our warmest gratitude.

As a tribute of esteem and veneration, permit me, Sir, to ask the favor of your acceptance of this small token of respect, taken from an apple tree under which you once dined and which once afforded you a shelter from the piercing rays of noonday; and although it possesses no healing virtue, may it still be a support.

And may you, Sir, after ending a life of usefulness and piety, be admitted into the regions of everlasting joy and felicity.”

The Marquis voiced his thanks in a low and quavering tones, and all there would want to remember hearing this great man speak. Soon the presentation was over, and in the story found in the “Sentinel of Freedom,” “the cavalcade now resumes its march under the loud and hearty cheers of the inhabitants of the ancient village.”

During the Revolutionary War, the location of the site on the heights across the Hudson River from the Loyalist stronghold of New York presented an opportunity for its use as the headquarters of Lafayette.

Close by was the “point of rocks” that overlooked the river near the east end of Academy Street and provided an ideal vantage point for military reconnaissance.

This “original” little municipality was called Jersey City and grew as Powles or Paulus Hook, a tract of solid land jutting out into the Hudson River.

This area was purchased from the Dutch West India Company by Abraham Planck and 1698, and from Planck sold by Cornelius Van Vorst.

left: Arriving in New Jersey Bergen
right: Jersey City’s Historic “Apple Tree”
IMAGE LINKED:  wikimedia Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

The three part owners of the area were Col. Varick, Jacob Radcliff (also a former Mayor of New York) and Anthony Dey (a wealthy New York lawyer and a cousin of Col. Varick.

These three were the leaders of “The Associates of the Jersey Company,” whose charter was drafted by Alexander Hamilton. For fifteen years it possessed the government and shaped the destiny of this infant community. [6]

Feeling the need for a stronger municipal government, the “Associates” petitioned the Legislature for a municipal charger, and one was granted in 1820 as “An Act to corporate the City of Jersey, in the County of Bergen.”

Under this charter the residents annually elected five landowners to the Board of Selectmen. The Act named Dr. John Condit, Samuel Cassedy, Joseph Lyon, John K. Goodman, and John Seaman as the first board. [7]

Dr. John Condit, born in Orange, July 8, 1755, and a colonel in the Revolutionary army at twenty years of age.

He became a classical scholar, and although a modest speaker, and not skilled in debate, he had the confidence of Jefferson, Madison, and Gallatin, and of his constituents during an extended period of political life.

He participated in the battles of White Plains and Long Island. He was the father of the Hon. Silas Condit, of Newark, and uncle of Rev. J. B. Condit, D. D., of Auburn Theological Seminary and his nephew, Lewis Condict, would later serve in the U. S. Congress.

For some years before entering public life, John at the age of forty, was engaged in a very extensive practice in Orange. His circuit embraced the whole county and extended into the adjacent counties.

He kept many horses and was perpetually on the road. He enjoyed the unlimited confidence of the whole community. Later, his nephew Lewis Condict will be key to Lafayette’s visit and our story.

Dr. John Condit
Jacob Radcliff (former Mayor)
IMAGE LINKED:  wikimedia Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

From Jersey City, Lafayette was escorted across the meadows where he was met by the Newark Cadet Artillery on the banks of the Passaic River. The caravan then crossed the river at Bridge Street and was met by a great crowd which escorted him to the Boudinot Mansion.

Elias Boudinot, a prominent American statesperson of the late 18th and early 19th centuries, purchased this handsome Georgian house in 1772. Boudinot served briefly as President of the United States under the Articles of Confederation.

During Boudinot’s residency, young Alexander Hamilton lived at Boxwood Hall for several months while attending school in Elizabethtown.

In 1789, George Washington dined here with Boudinot and a committee of Congressmen enroute to his inauguration in New York City. In 1795, the house was sold to General Jonathan Dayton.

The house would witness several more chapters in its storied history, for a time serving as a girls’ school then as a retirement home for women.

Upon arriving at the Boudinot mansion, Lafayette was introduced to the members of the federal and state court system and to distinguished members of the order of the Cincinnati.

left: Elias Boudinot
right: Boxwood Hall
IMAGE LINKED:  wikimedia Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

As Lafayette entered the park, flags waved and cannons roared, and regiments were drawn up in line with 300 infantry and 500 horses.

Near the platform where the speeches were read were huge signs bearing the inscriptions, ‘His laurels shall never fade; ‘ ‘We shall ne’er look upon his like again’ and ‘For him whom a nation delights to honor.’

Music and poetry flowed at every opportunity, and a patriotic address was delivered by the Hon. Theodore Frelinghuysen.

Following Lafayette’s brief stay and visit at General Dayton’s home, he continued his journey the next day.

At about four o’clock the group proceeded to Elizabeth. On arriving at the River’s Hotel, the General was received by the Corporation of Bergen and an appropriate address delivered by Mayor Caleb Halsted, Jr. to which a brief but pertinent reply was returned.

This was a family whose ancestor, Timothy Halsted, arrived in the vicinity of Hempstead, Long Island in 1657.

The next generation of Halsted’s moved from Long Island to the area of Elizabethtown, New Jersey, where Robert and Caleb Halsted were born in 1746 and 1752. These are the first two physicians in Dr. Halsted’s direct ancestral line.

Brother Robert served as a surgeon during the war, was captured and imprisoned in the “Old Sugar House” prison of New York city, and finally released by a flag of truce.”

Caleb was licensed to practice medicine in 1774 and was a surgeon to the French troops when camped near Elizabeth.

An interesting “historic” and “military” letter from Isaac Woodruff, on May 7, 1780 was send to George Washington on how Capt.

Harriman (who also lived in Elizabeth) and Doctor Halstead “seized under the Law of this State,” and ordered the goods to be put in a “Cask” (a barrel shaped vessel of staves, headings, and hoops usually for liquids) and “how it was illegal to do business of this kind on the Sabbath” and would have a “Trial for the Condemnation” the next day. However, another officer, American officer, Major Troop, had “about twenty men with fixed Bayonets, wrestled the Goods” from the two.

Seems to have been Harriman and Halstead “capturing some alcohol from Americans and other Americans “captured” it back. [8]

Lafayette was now addressed by Gordon S. Mumford Esq. Through the influence of his uncle, who was the U.S. Envoy to France, Silas Deane, (and the husband of his mother’s younger sister, Elizabeth Saltonstall), Mumford became a private secretary to Benjamin Franklin during the latter part of his official residence in Paris.

In 1785, Mumford returned to America with Franklin and settled in New York City where he became associated later with his brothers in the commission business in 1791.

In 1805, he was elected to the Nineth Congress to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Representative elect Daniel D. Tompkins. Tompkins was an active Freemason throughout his life.

Mumford now held in his hand a relic the cane of Benjamin Franklin a large gold headed cane that once had been given to George Washington.

Mumford was once an American Agent in London, when the Stamp Act was passed, and wrote to his friend, “Charles Thompson Esq., of blessed memory, but now no more on earth that (Franklin) the Sun of Liberty was set, and that we must in America “light up the candles of industry and economy.

The hand that held this cane was among the foremost of signing our Independence. The hand that held this cane met Lord Howe, sent out to conciliate America… The hand that held this cane signed the definitive Treaty of Peace, which consummated our Independence.”

After retiring from active political life, he was elected in 1812, the director of the Bank of New York and opened a broker’s office on Wall Street in 1813.

Mumford was one of the original founders of the New York Stock Exchange. From 1818 to 1824, he served as the second president of New York Stock Exchange.

left: Benjamin Franklin
right: Franklin’s Cane given to Lafayette
IMAGE LINKED:  wikimedia Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

Mumford was also a member of the Société Française de Bienfaisance de New York (also known as the French Benevolent Society of New York), which was established to help needy French and Swiss immigrants in 1806. In addition to its philanthropy, it was also a social club for its members.
On approaching the Passaic bridge, in the vicinity of Newark, a salute was fired from the hill. The first legally laid out road in the present city of Passaic was the one from Newark, laid March 26, 1707, and now forming River Drive to and through Prospect Street, to and through Lexington Avenue and beyond.

By a treaty made with the Indians February 5, 1756, and for their protection, a line was fixed three miles west of this, known as the Great Road, beyond which white men were not allowed to go. Over this road traveled British troops, pursuing Washington on November 23 25, 1776, and American forces many times during the Revolution.

Despite the light rain that fell during the event, everybody was impressed. Indeed, many years later an elderly participant noted that Lafayette’s welcome provided the greatest day he had ever witnessed. This afternoon the General left for Elizabethtown.

Lafayette arrived at Elizabethtown, a little past 5 o’clock, and was received with the utmost enthusiasm. The reception for the day was at River’s Hotel.

At 6 o’clock the party sat down to an excellent dinner given by the “Corporation.” Now a quick note on the “Corporation of Bergen” group.

In New Jersey, at the beginning of its history and as a separate colony, the proprietary governor granted “charters” to the settlers at Bergen (1668) which charters the Lords Proprietors. These documents refer to the settlements as the “Towne and Corporation of Bergen.”

And throughout the colonial period they are customary spoken of as “the Corporation of Bergen.” However, by this time and location, this group might be more of a fraternal type consisting of these important and local men.

The room in which this great dinner was served was ornamented for the occasion, and nowhere has more good feeling manifested than here.

The Grand Masonic Lodge of New Jersey had convened at Elizabethtown to pay the honors of the fraternity to their distinguished brother, Lafayette, and he had accepted an invitation to visit them that evening.

A visitation was held in the Masonic manner and took place at Washington Masonic Lodge, No. 41 with the New Jersey Grand Master and at Brother Freemasons and their special guest, Brother Marquis de Lafayette. [9]

A description of the welcome extended to Brother Lafayette upon his arrival in New Jersey on September 23rd, 1824, is contained in the Grand Master Jephthah B. Munn’s message to the Masons in New Jersey’s annual report for that year at the November session, 1825, and is as follows:

“I have much pleasure in announcing that an event of high importance has recently added an additional weight of testimony in favor of our philanthropic Institution and exhibited to the open face of the world another patron, friend, and advocate of our order in the person of the Nation’s Guest, the illustrious General De La Fayette.

The attending circumstances connected with meeting General La Fayette are in themselves, I presume to hope, so far interesting and honorable to our Fraternity, that I may venture to crave your indulgence while I introduce them in detail as the closing part of my communication, and the more so as I indulge the expectation that this Grand Lodge will esteem the circumstances to be detailed, worthy to be recorded with their annual transaction.”

On the 23rd day of September last past, pursuant to an invitation from Washington Lodge, No. 41, at Elizabethtown, I repaired to that place in order with them and their brethren invited for the occasion, to meet our illustrious Brother La Fayette. [10]

On this event I have much pleasure in acknowledging the support and aid received by the presence of Past Grand Master Brother Giles, also the Junior Grand Warden, Brother John S. Darcy, the Most Eminent Brother Ruckle, the Worshipful Master, Brothers Andrew Tucker, Parsons, Little, Babbitt and Alling of the Essex Lodge, and the members present.

Brother La Fayette and his escort alighted at the end of a lengthy procession of different Lodges readily formed to receive him whenever he arrived.

When accompanied by the Governor of this State, Brothers General Jonathan Dayton and Colonel T. T. Kinney, walked through the open ranks of the procession to an elevated platform arranged for the occasion, where Lafayette was received by the municipal authority of the town; after which, on a signal being given, attended by the Past Grand Master Brother Giles, the Junior Grand Warden Brother Darcy and Brother Ruckle, we proceeded through the line of the procession to the platform, where, on meeting our distinguished brother, the following address was then pronounced to him by me:

“Brother La Fayette: It is my fortunate lot at this time to have the pleasure to meet and address you on behalf of my Masonic brethren of New Jersey.

With sentiments of ardent gratitude for illustrious services you have rendered us toward achieving our National Independence, and particularly impressed with feelings of Fraternal affection, we tender you a sincere welcome to our country.

Whilst the offerings of real respect and applause, the spontaneous effusion of a delighted people, greet you wheresoever you advance among us, we presume to offer you the deep veneration, the warm affection and friendship of your Masonic brethren, inferior to none in ardor and sincerity.

This happy meeting is to us an event of great importance. It is a day which we, our children, remote posterity, and more especially the Masonic Fraternity, will hereafter delight to call up in pleasing recollection.

We hail it as auspicious to our Order, for although superstition, prejudice, and persecution, have frequently spent their whole powers upon us, nevertheless it is our consolation to know that many of the truly great and good in every age have been our supporters.

In times past, particularly in the American Revolution, among a host of worthies devoted to the cause of liberty, long since “gone to that borne from whence no traveler returns,” and who so gloriously and successfully contributed to establish the freedom of millions, we hail as brothers and illustrious ornaments in our Temple, the incomparable Washington, Warren the martyr of liberty, and Franklin, the benefactor of mankind.

La Fayette, a living monument of greatness, virtue, and faithfulness, still exists. Brethren, a second Washington is now among us. Let us celebrate the event with heartfelt joy.

Among the Archives of Masonry let the transaction of this day be recorded and deposited, that a surviving hero of our Revolution has now met with us on the level of true affection and on the square of just equality; that it is our highest happiness not only to greet him as the undeviating advocate for the liberties of mankind, but also by the endearing tie of friend and brother.” [11]

The Grand Master then, on behalf of Washington Lodge, No.41, presented the illustrious visitor with a jewel, as a token of respect and brotherly affection, and affectionately placed it upon his breast.

“I desired to offer for his acceptance a Masonic jewel prepared for the occasion as a small token of their respect and brotherly affection, soliciting him to receive it as such, whereupon, receiving a cheerful assent thereto, I had the additional satisfaction of publicly investing our revered Brother Lafayette with this offered tribute, a memento of Masonic regard.” [12]

A gold medal that was created for George Washington
IMAGE LINKED:  wikimedia Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

A gold medal that was created for George Washington and presented to the Marquis de Lafayette was later auctioned at Sotheby’s in Manhattan on Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2007, for a record $5.3 million, and “will remain in France after residing there for 183 years.”

The medal was created for George Washington in 1783 in Paris by Pierre Charles L’Enfant, the Continental Army commander who designed the street plan for Washington, D.C.

The enameled patriotic badge was bought by the Foundation Josée et René de Chambrun at the Château La Grange, Lafayette’s historic home 60 miles east of Paris.

Inherited by Martha Washington after her husband’s death in 1799, the medal was passed on to her adopted daughter, then given to Lafayette in 1824 during his triumphal 13 month, 6,000 mile tour of America.

The address of welcome and the beautiful memento of regard were received by La Fayette in a neat and appropriate address, after which he presented his hand with affectionate regard to each of the brethren present. [13]

“The Masonic procession was individually received by the cordial tender of the hand from the General, then resumed their order of procession and marched to their table of refreshment prepared in much taste for this memorable event.”

“Anxious to preserve the smallest incident connected with our proceedings with this truly great man, our endeared friend and brother, I have further to mention that near the close of our time of refreshment, Brothers, the Junior Grand Warden Darcy, and the Most Eminent C. Ruckle, were appointed a committee to bear a communication to the General at is quarters, and also this sentiment of our meeting, viz: ‘Our illustrious Brother La Fayette, the friend and companion in arms of our Grand Master, Washington.’

Need I add, it was duly appreciated and met the loud plaudits of a highly respectable assemblage.

At the hour of evening retirement, in conformity to the offer (thankfully received) of escorting our guest, the Masonic procession resumed their order of march at an appointed time, and proceeded to the hotel of reception, where at an appointed time, and proceeded to the hotel of reception, where they received our brother La Fayette and waited upon him to his lodgings.

The fellowship of good feelings, of gratitude, of deepfelt intellectual enjoyment, of sincere and ardent Fraternal affection, distinguished the transactions and terminated happily the events of a day greatly interesting to those concerned and which I trust will hereafter be deemed highly important in the annals of Masonry.”

A note where this story is also told in “History of Free Masonry in Elizabeth, N.J.” in 1875, adds:

“Although this Masonic reception was participated in by the Grand Master, Junior Grand Warden, and Master Masons of other Lodges, yet they participated in as the invited guests and assistants of Washington Lodge No. 41, whose members originated and successfully conducted the ceremonies of the occasion; and when it is remembered that the means of access to Elizabeth were then more difficult than now, and that no distinctive part was taken by the Masonic fraternity in the receptions of General Lafayette at any other place in New Jersey, the inference can be fairly deducted not only that Washington Lodge, No. 41, was then in a highly prosperous condition in the number of its members and in its finances, but also that peace, harmony and zeal essentially prevailed.”

At 10 o’clock, he was escorted to the residence of General Jonathan Dayton, where he would stay for the night.

Tuesday, September 24, 1824. This mention of Lafayette attending a Masonic lodge “last evening” seems important when we discover that he had a date for breakfast the next day with former Governor Aaron Ogden.

left: Governor Aaron Ogden
right: Gen. William Alexander
IMAGE LINKED:  wikimedia Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

Ogden fought in the American Revolution and now, he was the present Grand Master of Freemasons in New Jersey.

Born December 3rd, 1756, in Elizabethtown, New Jersey, Aaron Ogden graduated from the College of New Jersey (now Princeton) in 1773, a year behind his childhood friend, Aaron Burr, and received his Master of Arts from the same college in 1776 while tutoring at a grammar school.

Ogden entered military service on December 8, 1775, as a paymaster in the militia, where he first saw service in the capture of the Blue Mountain Valley in January 1776.

In November of that year, he took a commission as a first lieutenant in the First New Jersey Continental Regiment, where his older brother Matthias was a lieutenant colonel.

He became regimental paymaster the following February, then fought at Brandywine, and was made a brigade major of William Maxwell’s light infantry brigade on March 7th, 1778. He saw further service as assistant aide de camp to General William Alexander – Lord Stirling.

Ogden was also Maxwell’s aide de camp. Following Maxwell’s resignation, Ogden joined Lafayette’s light infantry corps.

He also held the distinction of serving as courier during the fruitless negotiations between General Washington and Sir Henry Clinton regarding John André’s execution as a spy for his role in Benedict Arnold’s treason. At Yorktown, Ogden suffered wounds at Redoubt Ten, Oct. 14th, 1781.

Following the war, he became a leading lawyer in New Jersey, then re-joined the army as lieutenant colonel when war loomed with France in 1799. He was made quartermaster general of the army before being discharged on June 15th, 1800.

From 1801 1803, he served in the United States Senate as a Federalist. In 1812, he was elected governor of New Jersey on a peace ticket but was defeated the following year.

President James Madison nominated him to the rank of major general in 1813, with the intention of giving him a command in Canada, but Ogden declined, preferring to retain his command in the state militia.

During the War of 1812, Ogden famously became involved in a steamboat venture. Having built the “Sea Horse” in 1811, he proposed to operate a line between Elizabeth town Point and New York City, but in 1813 the monopoly of James Fulton and Robert R. Livingston was upheld, and his boat was barred from New York waters.

Continued disagreements concluded with a well known Supreme Court case, Gibbons V. Ogden Case, Gibbons v. Ogden, 1824.

left: Robert R. Livingston
right: James Fulton
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Livingston was a Freemason, and in 1784, he was appointed the first Grand Master of Grand Lodge of New York, retaining this title until 1801.

The Grand Lodge’s library in Manhattan bears his name. The Bible Livingston used to administer the oath of office to President Washington is owned by St. John’s Lodge No. 1 and is still used today when the Grand Master is sworn in, and, by request, when a President of the United States is sworn in.

The final years of Ogden’s life saw him in ceaseless, active involvement in the Society of Cincinnati, both on the state and national level.

As one of the few surviving officers of the Continental Line a half century after the War’s conclusion, he held the position of Vice Presidency of both the New Jersey and General Societies.

Ogden was elected President of the New Jersey Society in 1824, the General Society in 1829, and held both at the time of his death in Jersey City on April 19th, 1839.

Upon the conclusion of the Revolutionary War, the provincial Grand Lodges were conducted on the elective system for leadership. Gen. John Sullivan, a major general in the Revolutionary War, received the degree of Master Mason on December 28, 1768, in the Master’s Lodge at Portsmouth and became the first Grand Master of his lodge; our Robert Livingston, became Grand Master of New York and presided over its destinies for fifteen years, to be succeeded by General Martin and here in New Jersey, Col. Aaron Ogden became Grand Master of New Jersey.

After breakfast with Ogden, Lafayette was introduced to the principal citizens of the town, and that had included several surviving soldiers of the revolution.

At 10 o’clock, preparations for his departure had been made, the General entered a superb “barouche” – this is a four wheeled carriage with a collapsible hood over the rear half, a seat in front for the driver, and seats facing each other for the passengers.

This was prepared by the “Corporation” for Lafayette’s use. And all proceeded for Rahway, escorted as before, and attended by a numerous cavalcade of citizens in carriages, and on horseback.

As Lafayette approached Rahway from Elizabethtown, the village cavalry was waiting on St. Georges Avenue to receive him. After greeting the General, the mounted escort proceeded south to what is now Grand Avenue and turned east.

The crowds which lined the streets increased as the entourage approached what is now Bridge Street, the road taken to reach Main Street. When the distinguished guest turned on to Main Street, he saw a town that was arrayed in all its finery.

The street was packed with the local citizenry and celebrities from surrounding areas who had been arriving since morning.

A large floral arch had been erected in front of the Peace Tavern. Beneath the arch stood thirteen lovely young ladies, each bearing a bouquet of flowers. The girls, representing the thirteen original states, cast the flowers in the path of Lafayette as he left his carriage and entered the tavern.

“A dazzling party was held in the Peace Tavern that evening attended by the guests who were fortunate enough to be invited.”

On his arrival at Rahway, Friday, September 24, he was greeted by the assembled population of the village, and an address was presented by a committee, who invited him to take part in a collation, and certainly that invitation was accepted.

A Masonic story is that Lafayette Lodge was so named because at the time Brethren were contemplating the formation of a Masonic Lodge in Rahway, New Jersey, and Lafayette was on his farewell visit to the United States and was escorted through Rahway, New Jersey on September 24, 1824. The lodge received its original charter at the Annual Communication of Grand Lodge on November 9, 1824.

In the beginning, Lafayette Lodge was Lafayette Lodge No. 49 and operated from 1824 until a decline in active masonry caused the Lodge to cease its work in 1841. The cornerstone for the new building was laid in proper Masonic fashion on June 14, 1924.

“The Cornerstone” presented by Jerusalem Temple No. 721 of Cornwall, New York, was a cut stone from the ruins of General Marquis de Lafayette’s former headquarters in New Windsor.

Lafayette Lodge has remained active and engaged in the community that it has called home for many years. It is located at 1550 Irving Street, Rahway, New Jersey, 07065

A committee from Woodbridge met the General, with carriages for himself and suite, and at 12 o’clock the party moved off for that village, accompanied by Governor Williamson and his staff, and arrived at 1 o’clock, where they halted on the green, and the General alighted.

Here was a company of revolutionary veterans, formed in line to receive him, with labels “76” on their hats. Their wives, children, and grandchildren, in regular procession continued the line, down which the General passed, giving, and receiving the most affectionate salutations.

At the end of the line, and at right angles with it, stood nine interesting girls, with each a large letter formed by flowers on their breasts, spelling the name “Lafayette.”

The device was a happy one, and attracted the particular attention of the General, who was highly gratified by it. A very impressive address was delivered to him by Mr. Stryker, which received a suitable reply.

Another collation was here spread for the company, then the General proceeded for New Brunswick at 2 o’clock and arrived at 4.

Two beautiful arches of evergreens and flowers were formed here, through which the procession passed, and was conducted to the City Hall, where he was received in due form by the Corporation, and an address delivered by Dr. Taylor, the Recorder.

After receiving the congratulations of the citizens, who were introduced, he was conducted to Follett’s Old Bell Hotel, where a splendid banquet and gala ball was provided, in a spacious dining hall, which was beautifully ornamented with wreaths, festoons, inscriptions, etc.

While at this place, a committee from the citizens of Monmouth waited upon him with an address and then invited him to pay the town a visit.

Lafayette answered the request and said that his schedule did not allow time for this visit. The Battle of Monmouth certainly was not one that Lafayette took pride in.

Why did he turn this invitation down? Maybe because on Christmas Day, 1776, Washington attacked the British at Trenton for a major morale victory. General Lee about a week earlier had a problem near Morristown in the town of Basking Ridge, NJ. “Charles Lee, brave soldier, upholder of liberty, world patriot, was degenerating into a thing of meanness and a potential traitor.”

The legend is that American soldiers stole horses from a Mendham man, Hilltop Church Elder Samuel McIlrath.

Samuel heard that General Lee was in Basking Ridge and went to complain and tell General Lee what had happened. General Lee was on the way to meet with Washington in Trenton.

After seeing and visiting with General Lee, McIlrath met a British soldier who recognized him, asked what he was here for, and McIlrath answered that he went to see General Lee. “And where is General Lee?” “Over there in that hotel.”

The next morning, the British surrounded the hotel and General Lee, and his aide were captured. Lee now spent months in British hands with soldiers he knew from before the war. Shortly before the Battle of Monmouth he was released.

General Lafayette had been chosen to lead the troops into battle and General Lee said, now that he has returned to duty, he should lead the troops. He then was retreating in the battle and General Washington himself took over and drove the British back.

Some say the battle was a draw, first time people heard a curse word from Washington, and it did certainly help end Lee’s career. And now, fifty years later, Lafayette said that he was not able to do a visit to Monmouth because of his busy schedule. [14]

The General then spent the night in New Brunswick and continued at 7 o’clock the next morning for Kingston and Newark escorted by a squadron of cavalry under the command of Major Vandyke.

As General Lafayette reascended his carriage and left the ancient village, he was heartily cheered. On approaching the Passaic bridge, in the vicinity of Newark, a salute was fired from the hill.

Having ascended the hill and entered this charming town, it was found that if the military display, and the number of people on the way, had not been so great as was anticipated, both were now far more imposing than one could have supposed.

Three thousand infantry and five hundred horses were under arms, and the windows of every house were as full of spectators as the streets.

On the green near “Dr. Griffin’s” Church, were one or two regiments of troops drawn up in line, in front of a regular encampment of tents, and the broad streets and commons were literally crowded with people, but as the procession passed through the town, it was found that the troops at first seen, formed but a small proportion of the whole.

Dr. Griffin was a colleague of Rev. Dr. McWhorter who was the pastor in Oct. 1801. During his time at the Second Presbyterian Church is when he completed and published his book on the “Atonement” a work of much labor and research.

He was much engaged in originating and promoting the various benevolent societies, which have since had so much influence upon the world.15

The General was conducted around the extensive lawn south of the Episcopal Church, to the seat of Major Boudinot, where he was introduced to the Judges of the United States District and Superior State Courts, and to the principal officers of State, and the leading gentlemen of the village and surrounding county.

And while here, a deputation from Morristown, all key people in that town, representing Lafayette’s “ancient headquarters awaited the arrival of Lafayette.”

This group consisted of Messer. Lewis Condict (Chairman), Gabriel H, Ford, Sylvester D. Russell, Jas. Wood, Major Kinney, Capt. Tuttle, and David Thompson, Jr.

Dr. Lewis Condict (1772 1862) served Morristown as a well respected and accomplished physician, patriot, and public official who chaired the committee. He was a nephew of Silas Condict, a member of the Continental Congress.

Dr. Condict is said to have introduced a new British vaccine against smallpox by publicly inoculating his two year old daughter on his front stoop during the sickness and disease which was so strong in Morristown during the American Revolution.

He was also one of the founders of the Morris and Essex Railroad and key in setting up the Morris Aqueduct Company and worked with David Ford and Gen. Doughty, members now on the Lafayette team.

left: Lewis Condict’s Home in Morristown
right: Dr. Lewis Condict
IMAGE LINKED:  wikimedia Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

Dr. Condict was now ready to represent Morristown and his community:

“Major General Lafayette:

In presenting to you the resolution and invitation of our fellow citizens of Morristown, we cannot avoid expressing our gratification at this brief interview with you, whose name we have been taught by our fathers to venerate, as the worthy associate of Washington, sharing with him the tented field, and braving with him the fury of the battle.

Invited to this country by the President of the United States, upon a joint resolve of both branches of the National Council, passed by a unanimous vote – we congratulate you on your safe arrival – we hail you as the people’s friend – the “Nation’s Guest.” You’re welcome is responded by every tongue.

It glows in every bosom. It sparkles in every eye. It is a nation’s gratitude, sincerely felt, and proudly acknowledged.

On behalf of the citizens of our humble village, we invite you to visit that spot, where our beloved commander in chief established his headquarters, for two successive winters of the most critical period of our revolutionary struggle.

We can proffer no splendid military array, no profuse exhibition of wealth. We proffer that, to the benevolent mind, is of more value – the congratulations of sincere friendship, with a kind and cordial welcome, to the plain hospitality of a free and happy people.”

The General replied that nothing would afford him greater satisfaction than to visit a town with which so many endearing associations were connected to his mind; but that his arrangements were such that a visit to Morristown now was impossible.

On his return from the South, however, he should avail himself of some opportunity to pay the patriotic citizens a visit. And Lafayette kept his promise to return, and did, on July 14, 1825. His experiences in Morristown must have been much better than in Monmouth.

After partaking of refreshments, a procession was formed, consisting of the principal officers present, the Corporation of Newark, the Members of the New York Corporation present, Col. Varick, Gen. Morton, and others.

Members of the Cincinnati of New York, together with delegates and distinguished citizens of New Jersey, proceeded to the end of the green, now environed with troops, and entered between the two columns.

At the entrance were ranged in two lines, twenty four male singers, who sang the following lines: — Hail! the gallant Chief, whose fame Is pure as Heaven’s ethereal flame! Who comes our peaceful fields to cheer, A Father of ten millions dear!”

The Committee of Entertainment met him near Boham town. The Military Artillery made a salute by cannon when he reached the bridge where he was met by 8,000 people. A parade followed.

The reception was at Court House with dinner at Follett’s City Hotel at 6pm. A welcome was made and followed by a reception for the ladies at Follett’s City Hotel at 9pm.

The Bonham town, an area of Edison, on Old Post Road, is named after Nicholas Bonham, a freeholder from 1682 to 1683. The hamlet is said to have been the site of an old Native American village and later a Continental Army camp and battleground during the Revolutionary War.

“By this time, Lafayette’s schedule had been carefully worked out with a skill that would reveal the most competent political advance men of today.” [15]

Now, Saturday the 25th, Lafayette was received in Kingston and at Newark. Then he arrived at Princeton College, joining the students, faculty and for lunch.

The Marquis de Lafayette had been given an honorary Doctor of Laws by the Trustees of the College in 1790 in recognition of his contribution to the America’s cause. His full name, as recorded in the official list of honorary graduates, was Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roche Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette.

Its honorary degree having been conferred in absentia; the College took the occasion of this visit by Lafayette thirty four years later to award him his diploma.

Soon after arrival (according to John Maclean, Jr., the Professor of Mathematics), the Marquis, his son Georges Washington Lafayette, and members of his escort were entertained at a “very bountiful” breakfast in the gaily decorated college refectory, “then the largest room in town.”

Later, the Marquis was escorted to a circular canopy, which had been erected near the central gate of the front campus.

Here, before a throng of students and people from the town and neighboring countryside, President Carnahan presented to Lafayette the Doctor of Laws diploma, which President Witherspoon had signed in 1790, in ceremonies at which the College’s Peale portrait of Washington was conspicuously displayed. [16]

Lafayette left at twelve thirty to proceed to Trenton.

“The Committee of Arrangement from Trenton, with a corps of cavalry, met the General [at Princeton] to conduct him to Trenton. He was accompanied by the Governor and suite and followed by a train of Citizens on horseback and in carriages. The General rode in an open Barouch, drawn by four white horses.”

The parade ground on Brunswick Road was reached about two o’clock, and there the military of Hunterdon, Somerset, Burlington, and Gloucester, consisting of about 2,000 men, were reviewed by the famous General.

The “arrival of the Procession at the head of Warren Street was announced by the firing of cannon and the ringing of bells. The bells continued to ring until the procession arrived at the State House.”

The procession moved down Warren Street, passing under another decorated arch that stood near the corner of Warren and State Streets. The streets were thronged with spectators from all parts of the adjacent country, and “there was one universal burst of feeling throughout the city.”

The General returned a “feeling and appropriate answer,” and after receiving several of the citizens of the town, was conducted with great pomp to the Trenton House.

Lafayette was next escorted into the Assembly Room, which had been converted into a bower of beauty for the occasion.

Here he was received by the mayor of Trenton, Robert McNeely, and the Common Council, convened for the purpose of welcoming the distinguished visitor. The exercises were opened by an address of welcome by the mayor, expressing the joy it afforded the citizens of Trenton to receive Lafayette as their guest.

In the evening, Lafayette attended a “handsome Entertainment ordered by the New Jersey Society of Cincinnati at the City Tavern.” Most of the night was spent there in conversation with his brother officers of the Revolutionary Army. Trenton was all aglow and the arches were illuminated with lanterns.

Today, Sunday, could be called a day of rest. With events yesterday and last night Lafayette and his team relaxed. He attended church services in the Presbyterian Church in Trenton, the first church building being erected in 1727.

During the war, in 1776 1777 the Hessians used the building for headquarters in their occupation of the city. During the First Battle of Trenton, Colonel Johann Rahl (or Rall) was the senior commanding officer of the brigade, which included three regiments of Hessian infantry.

When the Continental army attacked that morning, Rahl was mortally wounded. As Rahl’s Lieutenant, Carl Andreas Kinen, recounted;

“…he lies buried in the graveyard of the Presbyterian Church…the Americans will hereafter set up a stone above [his] grave with this inscription: ‘Here lies Colonel Rahl; all is over with him.’”

Rahl’s grave, like many of the graves of his Hessian soldiers also buried in the cemetery, was never marked. [18]

left: Old Stone Church 1727
right: “New” Church August 17, 1806
IMAGE LINKED:  wikimedia Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

Future president, John Adams, came to Trenton on September 19, 1777, in response to what proved to be a false report – that the British were about to attack Philadelphia.

His diary indicates that he took tea with Mrs. Spencer, the wife of the minister, Elihu Spenser. Lafayette recognized this date some 47 years later.

After the surrender of General Lord Cornwallis, a celebration was held at the Church with the governor, and many Trenton citizens in attendance.

Following the Church service, Lafayette, the Governor and one of his aides went to Bordentown to visit Joseph Bonaparte, the former King of Spain, who was in exile in the United States.

Napoleon Bonaparte’s eldest sibling, Joseph, went incognito following brother’s downfall and escaped to the United States in the summer of 1815.

After living briefly in Philadelphia, he bought Point Breeze, a massive estate on the banks of the Delaware River in Bordentown, New Jersey.

In August 1815, he was accompanied by four people, including his secretary, Louis Mailliard. Mailliard served Joseph faithfully for 36 years and became his closest confidant.

King Joseph at Point Breeze
Joseph Bonaparte, king of Spain
IMAGE LINKED:  wikimedia Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

In 1817 Joseph sent Mailliard on a hunt for buried treasure in Europe. Flush with cash, particularly once his secretary retrieved a box of buried treasure from Switzerland, he also purchased an even bigger property in upstate New York, with lake at its center that is now called Lake Bonaparte.

At Point Breeze, Joseph housed an immense collection of artwork, furniture, and books, as well as royal jewels from Spain, where he had been king from 1808 to 1813. “His library was the largest library in the U.S.A.,” says Munro Price, a professor of international history at Bradford University in England and author of Napoleon: The End of Glory. “It was 8,000 volumes, and the Library of Congress, at that point, was 6,500 volumes.”

At the heart of the property was a mansion fit for royalty, spanning 38,000 sq ft across three stories.

Charming and refined, Joseph got along well with the local townspeople, who helped save his valuables when a fire rushed through the estate in 1820.

At the same time, he hosted a steady stream of Napoleonic exiles and dignitaries, such as Revolutionary War hero the Marquis de Lafayette and future First Lady Louisa Adams.

Some evidence suggests Joseph may have even declined an offer to sit on the throne of Mexico, which was then seeking independence from Spain.

After Napoleon’s death, in 1821, the allied European powers loosened travel restrictions on the Bonaparte family, prompting several members to set off for the United States, with Point Breeze as the usual first point of call.

Joseph’s two daughters—though not his wife—arrived in 1821 and 1823, and he soon had American born grandchildren running around the estate. Various nephews came as well.

Despite being embraced by the populace and surrounded by family, Joseph’s private letters show he never felt completely at home in America. “He liked the Americans, he thought they were nice people,” says Shannon Selin, author of Napoleon in America, a work of historical fiction. “But he found it culturally underdeveloped.”

Within a few years, his daughters had returned to Europe, and in 1832, Joseph joined the exodus. He twice went back to Point Breeze but left for good in 1839.

His genes, however, lived on in the United States. With his wife overseas, Joseph acquired an American mistress, Annette Savage, who bore him two daughters. The first died young in a tragic garden accident.

But the second produced five offspring with an unsuccessful businessman, who was so enthralled to be marrying a Bonaparte that he took to imitating Napoleon’s mannerisms. [19]

On Monday, September 27, 1824, Lafayette crossed the Delaware and was greeted by Governor John Andrew Shulze, his staff and “a sizeable number of militia and civilians.” His trip to visit all the twenty four states had now begun.


1 – “Lafayette Joins the Masons,” C. F. William Maurer, 2023, “The Gazette of the American Friends of Lafayette”

2 – Bourdin, Philippe (2009). “La Fayette, entre deux mondes. Clermont-Ferrand, France: Presses universitaires Blaise-Pascal”.

3 – “10,000 Famous Freemasons,” Volume 3 – K to P

4 – “Visit of the Marquis de Lafayette to the United States” Wikipedia

5 – Shortly before Dayton’s death, Lafayette visited him, as reported in an obituary in the “Columbian Cen-tinel” on October 20, 1824: “In New-Jersey, Hon. Jonathan Dayton, formerly Speaker of the House of Representatives of Congress, and a Hero of the Revolution. When the Nation’s Guest lately passed New-Jersey, he passed the night with General Dayton, and such were the exertions of this aged and distin-guished federalist, to honor the Guest, and gratify the wishes of his fellow citizens to see, that he sunk un-der them; and expired, without regret, a few days after.”

6 – “Richard Varick” Michael Bellesiles

7 – “The Board of Select Men and Inhabitants of Jersey City,” City of Jersey

8. “To George Washington from Isaac Woodruff, 7 May 1780”

9. “History of Freemasonry in New Jersey Commemorating the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Or-ganization of the Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Masons for the State of New Jersey 1787-1987.” “Eagle – September 24, 1824”

10. Grand Master Jephthah B. Munn’s New Jersey’s annual report.

11. “Leaflets Masonic Biography: Or Sketches of Eminent Freemasons,” Edited by C. Moore, A.M. Edi-tor of the Masonic Review. Second Edition. Cincinnati: Published at the Masonic Review Office. 1863. P. 306

12. Signed by Jephthah B. Munn, G.M. of the Grand Loge of N.J. Chatham, Nov. A.L.5824 (Hough’s Origin of Masonry, p. 216)

13. “History of Free Masonry in Elizabeth, N.J.” p. 23-24

14. “How Our Elder Changed American History,” C. F. William Maurer, 2019, LinkedIn.

15. “A Discourse, Occasioned by the Death of the Rev. Edward Dorr Griffin, D.D.” by Mark Hopkins, D.D. 1837.

16.” The Return of Lafayette,” Marian Klamkin

17. “Alexander Leitch, A Princeton Companion,” copyright Princeton University Press (1978).

18. First Presbyterian Church in Trenton:

19. “Why Did So Much of Napoleon’s Family Come to America?” “This Day In History,” Jesse Green-span, Aug. 11, 2023

20. Rahway’s Hometown Newspaper “Our Town”, August 2015 by Renna Media. Article “LAFA-YETTE’S VISIT TO RAHWAY IN 1824 “Submitted by Al Shipley, City Historian and Rahway Library Research Consultant

21. “A Complete History of the Marquis De Lafayette, Major-General in the American Army in the War of the Revolution. Embracing An Account of His tour Through the United States, to the Time of His De-parture, September 1825.” By An officer in the Late Army.

C. F. William Maurer is a member of Athelstane Lodge No. 839 in Pearl River, N.Y. and Cincinnati Lodge No. 3 in Morristown, N. J. He is a Trustee in the Chancellor Robert R Livingston Masonic Library in Manhattan and a Trustee in the Mendham Public Library in his town and is also the Borough of Men-dham Historian. Other papers may be found listed at “”

Suggested Reading

“Hero of Two Worlds,” Mike Duncan

“Lafayette,” Harlow Giles Unger

“Lafayette in America in 1824 and 1825; Or Journal of a Voyage to the United States,” Auguste Levasseur

“Revolutionary Brothers,” Tom Chaffin

“The Return of Lafayette,” Marian Klamkin

“Complete History of the Marquis De Lafayette, Major General, in the Army of the United States of America, in the War of the Revolution; Embracing An Account of His Late Tour Though the United States To the Time of His Departure, September 1825,” by An Officer in the Late Army

Article by: C. F. William Maurer

C. F. William Maurer is a member of Athelstane Lodge No. 839 in Pearl River, N.Y. and Cincinnati Lodge No. 3 in Morristown, N. J.

He is a Trustee in the Chancellor Robert R Livingston Masonic Library in Manhattan and a Trustee in the Mendham Public Library in his town and is also the Borough of Men-dham Historian.

Other papers may be found listed at “”


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