Contents Q1 2024

Contents Q1 2024

Q1 2024 Issue articles

From The Editor

Discover the latest in the world of Freemasonry with The Square Magazine's 2024 Q1 issue. A warm welcome from the editor and a chance to explore a wealth of insights, stories, and perspectives from renowned Masonic authors and brethren. Don't miss out on this chance to deepen your knowledge and understanding of the Craft - …

Progression through the Degrees; a Rite or a Privilege?

Exploring the layered journey of Freemasonry, Matt DA Fletcher probes the essence of progression—whether it's a mere rite or a privileged path. Delve into a nuanced perspective where every degree is not just a milestone but a fraction of a grander continuum.

Adoniramite Freemasonry

Adoniramite Freemasonry, also known as Adoptive Freemasonry, emerged in 18th-century France as a unique initiation system for women. Mimicking the secrecy and symbolism of regular Freemasonry, these Lodges of Adoption attracted noblewomen, literary figures, and even royalty. Explore the origins, rituals, and controversies surrounding this intriguing branch of Freemasonry.

Masonic Ring

Masonic Miscellanies – Adulterine Gilds

Guilds, the associations that shaped medieval European society, were more than just organizations of artisans and merchants. They played a vital role in the economic and social development of towns and cities. This exploration delves into the intriguing concept of adulterine gilds and their interconnectedness with guilds, offering insight into the significance of legal authorization …

Observations on the History of Masonic Research

Archaeology is often associated with uncovering ancient tombs and fossilized remains, but it goes beyond that. In a Masonic context, archaeology can be used to study and analyze the material culture of Freemasonry, providing insight into its history and development. This article will explore the emergence and evolution of Masonic research, shedding light on the …

Masonic Pens

Online Guided Learning

Unlock the time-honoured wisdom of Freemasonry to enhance your life! Square Academy's innovative online courses are here to guide you on a transformative journey towards becoming a more enlightened citizen of the world.

How Freemasonry Has Woven Itself into the Fabric of Society

Like the weathered stones of an ancient temple, Freemasonry's origins are shrouded in mystery. This fraternal order has woven invisible threads throughout society's fabric since emerging in the 1600s. Despite declining membership, Freemasonry's influential legacy endures, seen in philanthropy, architecture, and the ideals of legendary members. Though facing challenges, revival remains possible if it adapts …

Masonic Watches

The Winding Staircase and its Kabbalistic Path 

The Winding Staircase in freemasonry is a renowned symbol of enlightenment. In this article, we explore its connection to Kabbalistic thought and how it mirrors the inner growth of a candidate as he progresses throughout his Masonic journey. From faith and discipline in Binah, to strength and discernment in Geburah, and finally to victory and …

Two Great Dangers

Unlocking the Mind's Potential: Dive deep into ground breaking research revealing how simple daily habits can supercharge cognitive abilities. Discover the untapped power within and redefine your limits. Join us on this enlightening journey and transform your world!

Bricks Masons

Freemasonry: A Guide to Fatherhood 

In the sacred halls of Freemasonry, fathers discover a hidden power to transform their parenting journey. With its timeless values, supportive community, and life-enriching teachings, Freemasonry empowers fathers to provide a moral compass, foster self-improvement, build stronger connections, and embrace the confidence and wisdom needed to navigate the complex realm of fatherhood.

Achieving Self-Dominance

Discover the pathway to divine oneness through the concept of self-dominance. This thought-provoking essay explores the profound connection between self-control, spiritual growth, and achieving unity with the divine essence. With an interdisciplinary approach, it offers practical steps towards expanding consciousness and deepening our understanding of the divine.

Masonic Swords

Theosophy & Freemasonry

Embark on a journey through time and spirituality with our in-depth exploration of the Theosophical Society's Seal. This ancient emblem, rich with symbols, bridges humanity with the cosmos, echoing through the world's great faiths and diverse cultures. Our paper delves into the six mystical symbols, untangling their profound meanings and tracing their presence in historic …

Masonic Article Series

Discover the hidden treasures of Freemasonry through Masonic Learning and Development programs. The Square Magazine's insightful articles unlock the history, philosophy, and practices of the ancient tradition. Expand your knowledge, empower your personal growth, and make a lasting impact on the Masonic fraternity. Unleash your potential today - click the link to embark on a …

Masonic Cases

Practical Life Lessons taught through Freemasonry – P10

A series of articles offering a guide to practical life lessons taught through Freemasonry for young adults setting out in life after full time education - Lesson 10. How to be adaptable and resilient in the face of challenges and change.

Freemasonry and Gnosticism

The enigmatic allure of Freemasonry's ancient rituals and Gnosticism's search for hidden knowledge capture the human spirit's endless quest for enlightenment. Between the stonemason's square and the Gnostic's divine spark lies a tantalizing intersection of philosophy, spirituality, and the pursuit of esoteric wisdom. Both traditions beckon with the promise of deeper understanding and moral elevation, …

Masonic Regalia

Masonic Podcasts

Our top picks for the best Masonic podcasts! From historical insights to modern-day perspectives, explore the fascinating world of Freemasonry from the comfort of your own headphones. Join us on a journey of enlightenment as we delve into the hidden mysteries of the Masonic brotherhood.

Craftsmen Online Podcast

Join the global brotherhood of Freemasons with the Craftsmen Online Podcast - your weekly dose of leadership development, Masonic education, and history. Tune in every Monday to discover new insights, connect with fellow craftsmen worldwide, and stay up-to-date with the latest Masonic news. Don't miss out - hit subscribe now and expand your Masonic knowledge!

Ben Franklin’s Quote

In a magical kingdom, wise old Ben teaches young Kia about the dangers of choosing friends too quickly. "Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing." It is an exploration of the deliberate care we must take in forging bonds that are intended not just for the sunny days but to weather the storms …

Is this What They Call Love ?

In a world brimming with wonder, pain, and confusion, the concept of love transcends all boundaries. In this thought-provoking poem, the poet dives into the depths of existence, questioning the nature of love, its transformative power, and the eternal quest to understand its true essence. Prepare to explore the enigma of love, as this poem …

The Meaning of Darkness

Initiation rituals around the world are filled with fascinating elements and different images. One of them is that of darkness. When societies speak of darkness, they often mean a lack of knowledge, a lack of choice, or a symbol of evil. During initiation rituals, darkness is used to represent the initiate's lack of knowledge about …

Masonic Jewels

Freemasonry and Pythagoras

Unlocking Ancient Wisdom: Discover the Mystical Connection Between Freemasonry and Pythagoras. Explore the profound symbolism linking these two influential realms. From sacred geometry to the pursuit of knowledge, delve into the secrets of Pythagorean philosophy that have shaped the rituals and teachings of Freemasonry. Uncover the hidden truths within.

The Pillars

The biblical pillars erected by Solomon at the Temple's porch, hold a profound place in history. These brass behemoths are not mere decorations; they are symbols of strength, establishment, and divine guidance. Explore their fascinating construction, dimensions, and the deep meanings they carry in both biblical and Masonic contexts.

Masonic Ties

Did Not Like Masonry

Discover the intriguing story of a man who became a Mason but openly professed his dislike for the institution. Unravel the peculiar circumstances that led him down this path and explore the unexpected consequences that followed. Dive into this thought-provoking account that challenges our notions of loyalty and reveals the complexities of human nature within …

The Virtual Goose and Gridiron

In a digital era where virtual reality blurs the lines between the tangible and the intangible, Masonry explores the metaverse. Here, a Masonic Hall stands grand in the virtual expanse, its public symbols beckoning seekers and brethren alike. Within, curated materials and private chambers offer knowledge and connection, transcending physical limits.

Ex Libris Academy

Discover the intersection of ancient Masonic traditions and cutting-edge digital technology at Ex Libris Academy. Dive into ground breaking research, collaborate globally, and shape Freemasonry's future in the digital age. Join the revolution: where tradition meets innovation. Welcome to the next chapter of Freemasonry!

Tubal Cain Masonic Aprons

Experience the legacy of Tubal Cain like never before with our unique collection of Masonic apron NFTs. Each of the 1,000 digital designs are one-of-a-kind and serve as a symbol of Masonic pride and tradition. And for those who prefer to have a physical item, these designs are also available as collectible aprons. Don't miss …

Being of the AI Future

In an era where artificial intelligence reshapes our understanding of power and self-identity, "Being of the AI Future: Reflecting on the Knowledge of the Self" delves deep into this transformative journey. Tracing the evolution from land ownership to data control, this piece explores how AI, as intelligence without consciousness, is redefining the essence of power …

Digital Freemasonry Expert

In the ever-evolving world of technology, artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized various industries, and now it's making its mark on Freemasonry. The Official Digital Freemasonry Community (ODFC) has introduced the "Digital Freemasonry Expert" AI tool, which aims to provide Masonic members with quick and accurate access to information, historical facts, and answers to their burning …

Dormer Masonic Study Circle

Masonic KT Regalia

Deacon Rods

Masonic Deacon rods potentially trace their origins to Greek antiquity, symbolically linked to Hermes' caduceus. As Hermes bridged gods and mortals with messages, so do Masonic Deacons within the lodge, reinforcing their roles through ancient emblems. This connection underscores a profound narrative, weaving the fabric of Masonic rites with the threads of mythological heritage, suggesting …

Book Review – 150 Years of Cryptic Masonry

"150 Years of Cryptic Masonry" by Richard Gan, transcends a mere historical account; it is an immersive odyssey into the heart of an esoteric brotherhood. With reverent detail, it bridges the ceremonial rites of Craft and Royal Arch Masonry, unveiling the solemn grandeur of the Cryptic degrees.

Lewis Masonic Books

Discover the latest insights and publications in the world of Freemasonry with Lewis Masonic Book Reviews. Our platform features expert reviews and new releases from well-known Masonic authors and brethren, all available online. Stay up-to-date with the latest developments in Masonic literature and deepen your understanding of the craft. Start exploring our collection of reviews …

Book Review – Weekly Masonic Doubts 

István Horváth's 'Weekly Masonic Doubts' illuminates Freemasonry's enigmas through 52 insightful essays. A thought-provoking guide, it invites Masons and non-Masons alike to explore profound traditions and modern challenges, fostering dialogue and enlightenment on the timeless journey within the Craft.


Unlock the mysteries of the craft and join the world's oldest and most prestigious Masonic research society - the Quatuor Coronati Correspondence Circle (QCCC). Established over 135 years ago, QCCC is open to Freemasons worldwide, offering a unique opportunity to deepen your knowledge and understanding of the craft. Discover how you can become a part …

Book Review – Belief and Truth

In "Belief & Truth, Inside the Freemasons," Caitlin Chescoe unveils the mystique of a three-century-old brotherhood. Born into its legacy, Chescoe challenges the 'old boys club' stereotype, presenting a tapestry woven with the personal tales of both male and female Freemasons. Accompanied by Camilla Brown's insightful essay, the book delves into Freemasonry's societal interplay with …

Book Review – Crafty Characters

"Crafty Characters" by Mike Neville delves into the Freemasons' clandestine legacy, uncovering a history marred by scandal and uplifted by heroism. This gripping account reveals the Masons' impact on history, from dark conspiracies to noble deeds, challenging perceptions of one of the most secretive fraternities in history. It's a thrilling exploration of power, morality, and …

SQ Masonic Book Store

Discover the best in Masonic literature with the SQ Masonic Book Store. Our online platform features expert reviews and new releases from renowned Masonic authors and brethren, all available on Amazon. From historical insights to modern perspectives, deepen your understanding of the craft with our carefully curated selection of Masonic books. Start exploring our collection …

SQ Leadership Books

Unlock your full potential with the SQ Leadership & Personal Development Book Collection. Our carefully selected books, available online from Amazon, offer practical insights and expert guidance from some of the most renowned authors in the field. From leadership and communication to self-discovery and growth, take the next step in your personal and professional development …

SQ Style – Man

Elevate your Masonic style and stand out from the crowd with SQ - Style Man. Our online platform offers a carefully curated selection of Masonic essentials for men, designed to embody the timeless values and traditions of the craft. From cufflinks and tie bars to lapel pins and more, our collection is perfect for Freemasons …

SQ Style – Feminine

Elevate your Masonic style and make a statement with SQ - Style Feminine. Our online platform offers a carefully curated selection of Masonic essentials for women, designed to embody the timeless values and traditions of the craft. From jewellery and scarves to tote bags and more, our collection is perfect for Lady Freemasons who value …

SQ Styles

Make a statement with SQ Styles. Our online shop offers a unique collection of made-to-order Masonic apparel, designed by renowned Tubal Cain Masonic NFT artist. With unique designs and quality craftsmanship, our collection is perfect for Freemasons who value individuality and style. Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity - start exploring our SQ Styles …

Last Page

Join us for the final note from the publisher of The Square Magazine. Reflect on the legacy of this renowned Masonic publication and share your feedback on how it has impacted your Masonic journey. Don't miss out on this chance to connect with fellow brethren and contribute to the ongoing legacy of The Square Magazine.

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