Welcome to the December issue of The Square
As I write, I am envious of those readers across the globe, who are still being bathed in sunshine at this time of year.
In the UK, we have a multiple choice tick box of weather conditions with the options of cold/cold & wet/cold & windy/cold, windy and wet.
It’s only December and already the majority of us under Coronavirus Lockdown 2:0 are fed up and can only dream of escaping to warmer climes.
Much of our time is now spent in semi-hibernation, warmed only by the glow of our computer, phone, or TV screens as we attempt to stay sane, entertained, or enlightened.
Freemasonry is also back to square one and all we can do is keep on expanding our Masonic knowledge – especially via the Internet, which leads to me to an amusing tale.
You may or may not be aware but I was previously the Editor of the printed version of The Square, when it was under the ownership of Lewis Masonic (Ian Allan Publishing).
Anyway, I was recently rereading the very first issue I worked on as Editor (March 2018) and came across an article I wrote entitled ‘Freemasonry and Social Media’.
It pretty much covered what the title implies but also highlighted the reluctance by many – mostly older members – to engage in social media.
But it was when I got to the final paragraph that it made me laugh out loud – the irony, and my ability to have been so short-sighted was priceless:
‘With evolution inevitable in social media, it is estimated that live streaming and ‘hangouts’ will surpass the old men of Facebook and Twitter in the next few years. I can’t see Freemasonry embracing live streaming any time soon!’
Now we have reached a ‘revolution’ in how we engage Masonically, we really need to take this further and discuss if online Freemasonry is the new way forwards.
It’s early days yet but it seems that a new zeitgeist – a ‘spirit of the age’ – is upon us.
In Part 3 of Gerald Reilly’s fascinating exploration of ‘Science and Citizenship‘ (page 9) he considers how members of ‘Freemasonries’, with their study of nature and science initiated as ‘citizens of the world’, might be effective in an IR4 citizenship universal.
Then, on page 22 we have ‘Two approaches regarding the understanding of Freemasonry‘, another thought-provoking article by Prof Cosmin Dumitrescu, who demonstrates how we can take two approaches to understanding Freemasonry – the first to ‘explain Freemasonry through Freemasonry’ – or, by treating Freemasonry as an open space for investigations, considering the Organization’s heritage as a common and important domain for research – multidisciplinary – which must be made accessible to academia and specialists.
Our book reviews and promotions offer ideas for Christmas presents or holiday reading, and this month’s ‘Meet the Author‘ is Kevin Shillington, a historian and biographer of Freemason Charles Warren – we featured his book Charles Warren: Royal Engineer in the Age of Empire in the November issue.
Our regular contributors Hugh O’Neill and Carlos Ortiz offer more of their erudite and timely wisdom, and last but not least, Nicholas’ article ‘Day in the Life of a Freemason‘, gives valuable – and easily attainable – advice on how to utilise your day, for both your Masonic and day-to-day pursuits.
Keep up to date with new articles, ideas and Masonic news from around the world, and join in the conversation with us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter – we want to hear from you! If you prefer email, send us a note editor@thesquaremagazine.com
It’s been an incredibly tough year in many ways but the positive aspect is that we have all found ways to adapt and survive.
I hope The Square has offered a glimmer of light in the darkness and huge thanks goes to all our valued contributors – and to you our readers – throughout this unprecedented* time (*sorry, I couldn’t resist using the ‘u’ word!)
In closing, however you choose to celebrate, do enjoy the winter festivities – and may good health, peace and brotherly love be in abundance as we head into 2021.
Until next time, my warmest wishes to you all,
Article by: Philippa Lee. Editor
Philippa Lee (writes as Philippa Faulks) is the author of eight books, an editor and researcher.
Philippa was initiated into the Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons (HFAF) in 2014.
Her specialism is ancient Egypt, Freemasonry, comparative religions and social history. She has several books in progress on the subject of ancient and modern Egypt. Â Selection of Books Online at Amazon
Books by Philippa
masonic knowledge
to be a better citizen of the world
share the square with two brothers
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