Old Tiler Talks

Old Tiler Talks

“The Old Tiler first appeared in print in August, 1921 when the first of four hundred and fourteen “Old Tiler Talks” were printed in the Fellowship Forum, a fraternal newspaper published in Washington, D.C.

In 1925 the publisher asked the author to select a few of the best of the talks and thirty-one were accordingly made into a little volume, copyrighted that year. The book, which sold for a dollar, ran into two editions of five thousand copies each.

By the time they were all sold the Fellowship Forum ran head on into the depression and disappeared and with it the Old Tiler.

His homely philosophy, sharp tongue and common sense, however, had made a place for him in the hearts of readers; demand for the book has never ceased, although it has lessened in the twenty-four years since the Old Tiler first spoke from between the covers.

At long last the Old Tiler sits again before the door of his lodge, there to repeat the tales which made him liked so long ago, and, from the wealth of material of his hundreds of homilies, make thirty-nine new talks to the book, a total of seventy in all.

These have been roughly classified under seven headings. To offer in defense of his fanciful classification the author has no other alibi than the weak statement that the Old Tiler is himself fancy!

The portrait of the Old Tiler on the jacket is the loving work of Brother Frank A. Stockwell of Buffalo, New York, who has (at least to the author’s eyes) succeeded in getting the biting sarcasm, courage and philosophy of the Old Tiler into his kindly face.

…The author does not always agree with the Old Tiler- perhaps it is the Old Tiler who disagrees with the author! Some to whom that statement is made make answer: “Why don’t you make him say what you think? You are the boss man!”

All who have written know that, if they live, pen and ink characters have minds and thoughts of their own, sometimes to the benefit, sometimes to the grief of their fathers!

Therefore, with what is hoped is becoming modesty, this invitation is extended; whatever you like in the Old Tiler’s talks, credit to his creator; if his sharpness or his ideas offend, blame the Old Tiler not.

Article by: Carl H. Claudy

Carl Harry Claudy (1879 – 1957) was an American author, magazine writer, and journalist for the New York Herald.

His association with Freemasonry began in 1908, when, at the age of 29, he was raised a master Mason in lodge Harmony No. 17 in Washington, DC. He served as its master in 1932 and eventually served as Grand Master of Masons in the District of Colombia in 1943.

His Masonic writing career began in earnest when he became associated with the Masonic service Association in 1923, serving as associate editor of its magazine, The master mason, until 1931.

Under his leadership the service Association was brought to a place of predominance through his authorship and distribution of the short talk bulletin which made his name familiar to virtually every lodge in the country.

Recent Articles: by Carl Claudy

Old Tiler Talks – Advertising

Advertising – We would do more good in the world if we advertised ourselves more… Why ?

Old Tiler Talks – A Mason’s Christmas

A Mason’s Christmas – Do you believe in Christmas celebrations should be held by the lodge ? Should members be asked to contribute to one and engage in Christmas festivities ? What is the old tilers take on this ?

Old Tiler Talks – A Masonic Speech

A Masonic Speech – I can tell you the essence of appeal. It is drama. If you want your hearers to hang on your words, dramatize your subject

Old Tiler Talks – Judge Not!

A perfectly articulated story by Claudy reminds us of a lesson from the Second Degree Charge; in the decision of every trespass against our rules, judge with candour, admonish with friendship, and reprehend with mercy.

Old Tiler Talks – Masonry’s ‘Failure’

Masonry fails because it doesn’t interest men sufficiently to make them practice what they preach. A perfectly articulated story by Claudy Masonry does not fail men. Men fail Masonry. Masonry has the teachings.

Old Tiler Talks – Promotion

Masonic first appointments and promotions might appear to be inequitable for one point a view, but some times, one point does not show the whole picture. A perfectly articulated story by Claudy, we should not compare one persons abilities with another.

Old Tiler Talks – Learning the Work

A short anecdotal story told in the setting of a new member asking an old tiler for his opinion on various masonic topics by Carl Claudy

Old Tiler Talks – The Ideal Mason

“What’s your ideal of Freemasonry?” asked the Younger Mason – A short anecdotal story told in the setting of a new member asking an old tiler for his opinion on various masonic topics by Carl Claudy

Old Tiler Talks – Country Lodge

A lesson in the importance of an open mindset to observe, not to judge, but to learn and accept that we can achieve the desired outcome employing a different process. by Carl Claudy

Old Tiler Talks – Failure

The new mason laments that practically speaking, Masonry is a failure, and it depresses me … Masonry cannot be a failure, because men fail as Masons. The Old Tilers talk by Carl Claudy

Old Tiler Talks – Seeking a Little Light

The Old Tilers talks first published in 1925, by Carl Claudy, is a series of short anecdotal stories told in the setting of a new member asking an old tiler for his opinion on various masonic topics. These short articles are still very relevant, 100 years on, and hopefully provide some insight to new members today.

Old Tiler Talks – Why Men Love Freemasonry

The ‘Old Tiler Talks’ first published in 1925, by Carl Claudy, is a series of short anecdotal stories told in the setting of a new member asking an old Tiler for his opinion on various Masonic topics. These short articles are still very relevant, 100 years on, and hopefully provide some insight to new members today.

Old Tiler Talks – The Greatest Work

The Old Tiler asked, “what is the greatest work of Masonry?” The New Brother sat by the guardian of the door and pulled out his cigar case. – Another instalment of wisdom by Carl Claudy, The Greatest Work

Old Tiler Talks – So Many Rascals

“Why are there so many rascals in the Fraternity, and why don’t we turn them out?” a new member voiced to the old tiler for his opinion. These short articles are still very relevant, 100 years on, and hopefully provide some insight to new members today.

Old Tiler Talks – Masonic Libraries

The Old Tilers talks first published in 1925, by Carl Claudy, is a series of short anecdotal stories told in the setting of a new member asking an old tiler for his opinion on various masonic topics. These short articles are still very relevant, 100 years on, and hopefully provide some insight to new members today.

Old Tiler Talks – Eyes Lifted High

The Old Tiler Talks first published in 1925, by Carl Claudy, is a series of short anecdotal stories told in the setting of a new member asking an old tiler for his opinion on various masonic topics. These short articles are still very relevant, 100 years on, and hopefully provide some insight to new members today.

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