What’s in a Word, Sign or Token?
Why do Freemasons use passwords, signs, and tokens? As Freemasons we know and understand the passwords, signs and tokens (including grips), which are all used a mode of recognition between members of the fraternity.
Masonic Miscellanies – Bare feet and Freemasonry
Why are we 'slipshod' or "bare-footed" in Masonic Ritual?
Kenneth Jack's research reveals James Murray, 2nd Duke of Atholl – the 'lost Grand Master'
Is a Masonic Tradition Necessary?
Dealing with Masonic tradition is a complex subject that requires careful analysis in order to reach a balanced point on the best etymological definition and the set of discourses and practices, which often end up being presented as such, without, however, presenting bases that support them, often serving only as a discourse that restricts and …
The Genesis of the 1723 Book of Constitutions
2023, marks the three hundredth anniversary of the publication of the first printed Book of Constitutions of the Grand Lodge formally established in London two years previously. This is an anniversary whose significance extends beyond freemasonry. A paper by Andrew Prescott.
Paul Gardner looks to a time when politics and Masonry were not precluded, but shush! This was London Masons and the Spitalfields Act of 1773-1865
Lebanese Freemasonry has been both witness to and sometimes participants in turbulent events and forces, which shaped and influenced their world.
“If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.” A phrase I often hear when changes are being made. In Masonic learning is this the case? William Preston (1742 – 1818) gives his lecture in the form of a Catechism – questions and answers - and broken down into seven bite size chunks. This article is the …
A concept that is both based on our Freemasonic rituals and what we understand as teamwork. This article by Chris Batty examines why teamwork in the lodge is the network that binds us.
How would your life change if you could remember anything and everything? Discover the 'Mind Palace' and all will be revealed.
Who were The Order of Owls? - they utilised covert rituals, signals, grips, and passwords and had an organised membership structure with four degrees. Initiates had to recite a lengthy commitment in order to join. The ceremony of the Order was said to be "elegant" and free of any religious observances or offensive material. In …
Practical Life Lessons Taught Through Freemasonry – P2
A series of articles offering a guide to practical life lessons taught through Freemasonry for young adults setting out in life after full time education - Lesson 2: How to manage your finances and budget your money?
The Master Mason’s Handbook P8
Chapter 8 - The Tracing Board - The next part of the narrative is incorporated in most English workings with the Tracing Board. The most interesting feature is the description of the grave. It is obvious that peculiar stress is laid on the centre, even in the present form of our ritual, because of the …
A weekly masonic podcast connecting Freemasons around the world with leadership development, Masonic education, and Masonic history. - New episodes each Monday - Subscribe to keep updated.
Old Tiler Talks – Eyes Lifted High
The Old Tiler Talks first published in 1925, by Carl Claudy, is a series of short anecdotal stories told in the setting of a new member asking an old tiler for his opinion on various masonic topics. These short articles are still very relevant, 100 years on, and hopefully provide some insight to new members …
The All-Seeing Eye of God, also known as the Eye of Providence, is a representation of the divine providence in which the eye of God watches over humanity. It frequently portrays an eye that is enclosed in a triangle and surrounded by rays of light or splendour.
Carl Jung’s Living Symbols: P2
Jung’s “living Symbols” are the key to organic One-World Freemasonic Government; i.e., The Grand Mystery of operative Freemasonic Labour is that generic Freemasonry is embedded with the DNA archetype for One-World Self-Governance - an insightful view by Professor Stephen Schafer
Is Freemasonry - a Clique ? Man has been defined as a gregarious animal, but in his highly civilised condition he is gregarious only to a limited extent. First published in The Freemason's Chronicle, Oct. 2 1875, addresses the same challenges then as now.
We introduce a new selection of masonic inspired NFT art collections available on Opensea produced by artists from around the globe.
Tubal Cain Masonic Apron NFTs are a collection of 1,000 unique digital designed Masonic collectable aprons, available as real collectable aprons.
A short story why Every Freemason is a window through which other will see and decide from the experience what will be their opinion of Freemasonry
Book Intro – The Secret Teachings of All Ages
The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P Hall is a comprehensive and in-depth exploration of the various esoteric and occult traditions that have shaped human history. The book covers a wide range of subjects including alchemy, astrology, mysticism, and secret societies, and provides detailed explanations of the underlying principles and concepts.
1st Digital Freemasonry Summit 2023
The Square Magazine is very excited to take part in the First Digital Freemasonry Summit which will take place in Zagreb, Croatia, on March 18-19, 2023.
21st Century Freemasonry – a Sign of the Times?
A recent article in The Times of London highlighted the dilemma 21st Freemasonry is facing. In this article one Master Mason shares his views of the strengths, and the challenges of modern Masonry.
Book Review – Learning Ritual – An Easy Process
This book presents a simple, effective, and time-proven approach to the memorization and performance of Masonic ritual. Learning Ritual: A Simple Process offers the reader a simple universal approach to any form of Masonic ritual whether it is Blue or Craft Lodge or that of a high degree.
The Freemasons was originally published in German under the title 'Die Friemaurer' and in 1930 was awarded the 'Peters-Baertsoen Prize' by the Grand Orient of Belgium. This award was made every 10 years for the best masonic publication to appear during the period.
How to join QCCC - the world’s first and oldest Masonic research society established over 135 years ago.
Book Review – Anderson’s Constitutions – 1723
This book contains a faithful reproduction of the first edition of the Constitutions of the Free-Masons, printed in London in 1723. The text, word spelling and paragraph size has been maintained, original restored decorations have been used, and font and character typesets have been carefully replicated.
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