8 Schools of Freemasonry – Philosophy P3
The Philosophy of Masonry – Religion. Following on from Part 2 of The Eight Schools of Freemasonry, we explore the Religious School of the Rev. George Oliver.
Masonic Miscellanies – Riding the Goat!
Many Freemasons will have come across the phrase 'riding the goat', and will no doubt have been the butt of a joke about it (sorry, I couldn't resist!) But what does it mean and where did the phrase come from?
In this month's issue we look at the news website and blog of El Francmasón – a digital newspaper for Spanish-speaking Freemasons. Choose from news about Freemasonry in Spain and International (the Americas etc.). There is something for everyone – not just those who are fluent in Spanish, as the website has full translation facilities. …
The Order of Bees was established as a youth initiative for the boys and girls of Prince Hall Freemasons, and symbolises the relationship existing between the activities of the youth and the family of bees.
There is often a gap between action and understanding. Is there is a chance that Freemasonry may benefit from a better understanding of meaning of the rituals rather than being performed in blind faith under the belief they are “purely symbolic” or “they just work”?
George Blackie – The History of the Knights Templar P.2
Second part in the serialisation of George Blackie's 'History of the Knights Templar and the Sublime Teachings of the Order' transcribed by Kenneth Jack.
The Builders – 9 Grand Lodge of England
Chapter 9. Grand Lodge of England - From every point of view, the organization of the Grand Lodge of England, in 1717, was a significant and far-reaching event. Not only did it divide the story of Masonry into before and after, giving a new date from which to reckon, but it was a waymark in …
Paul Gardner tells the story of his transition from one rule book to another – from the Book of Constitutions to the Rule Book for Snooker!
A Journey in Stone – Extracts of Wisdom p.6
More extracts of wisdom from Craig Weightman's book 'A Journey in Stone' – this month, we explore the Working Tools of the Third Degree.
A Masonic lodge is not a service club
An address delivered to the 10th Annual Conference of Western Canadian Grand Lodges (1950) in response to the question, "Should Our Western Grand Lodges Sponsor a Specific Program?" By Laurence Healey, Senior Grand Warden, Grand Lodge of British Columbia, 1950-1951
To be a Better Citizen of the World; Step 4
A value proposition for Pure Ancient Masonry as defined in terms of Citizenship; the allegories, symbolism and lessons are a blueprint for all Freemasons to be a better citizen of the world.
There are two known 'Harleian Manuscripts' which allude to the earliest constitutions of Masonry.
The Master Mason’s Handbook P1
Chapter 1 - Questions and Password; a brief explanation of the teaching of the third degree as contained in the symbols by J.S.M Ward
Old Tiler Talks – Country Lodge
A lesson in the importance of an open mindset to observe, not to judge, but to learn and accept that we can achieve the desired outcome employing a different process. by Carl Claudy
Wayne shares some exciting news and demonstrates that music most certainly transforms lives. It brings people together and unites the world – and so does Freemasonry. He is very proud to be both a Mason and a musician.
Commentary on the Third Degree Charge
The Third Degree Charge invites the candidate to reflect on his life as both a ‘moral’ and ‘educated’ man, and to contemplate on what may be missing in his life. The ‘genuine secrets of a Master Mason’.
A visitor must make clear his identity to the satisfaction of the Lodge he proposes to visit. More than once have we been asked to explain our views as to the reception of strangers in a Lodge. - The Freemason's Chronicle - 29 May 1875
How do we prepare to make Freemasonry digital? Once we strip away the Masonic packaging, we are left with pure Freemasonry, which is not physical but content.
Tubal Cain Masonic Apron NFTs are a collection of 1,000 unique digital designed Masonic collectable aprons, available as real collectable aprons
One of the first initiative for Masonic Art NFT collections with philanthropic goals supported by a regular Grand Lodge, in this case, the Great Lodge of Argentina of Free and Accepted Masons.
book intro – Origin Of The Royal Arch
An introduction to the Origin of the Royal Arch, through the eyes of the English nineteenth century masonic author Dr G Oliver (1782–1867)
Mike’s Masonic Walks And Talks
Mike Neville offers walks and talks primarily around London, based on his vast knowledge of the area and his specialist subjects, which cover all aspects of Masonic history. As a retired Scotland Yard Detective Chief Inspector, Mike has a unique insight into the more shady side of 'Crime and the Craft'.
Book Review – In The Steps Of The Templars
This comprehensive, authoritative, up to date history of the Masonic Knight Templar and Knights of Malta covers everything from the crusading Orders of Knighthood from which the modern Masonic Templar Orders drew their inspiration through to the present day… by Brian Price
How to join QCCC - the world’s first and oldest Masonic research society established over 135 years ago.
Book Review – We Three or Three Such as We
This book is sparklingly presented and illustrated. No review can begin to touch the sensitivity with which the people therein have been described, nor the extent of the layers and levels of their esoteric lodge experience, something that sadly few will ever achieve.
Book Review – The Siblys of London
The colourful life of Ebenezer Sibly; a quack doctor, plagiarist, and masonic ritualist in late eighteenth-century London; by Dr Susan Mitchell Sommers
SQ Leadership & Personal Development Books
Selected Books on Leadership and Personal Development available at Amazon