To be a Better Citizen of the World; Step 4

A value proposition for Pure Ancient Masonry as defined in terms of Citizenship;  the allegories, symbolism and lessons are a blueprint for all Freemasons to be a better citizen of the world.


Freemasonry is a free open source protocol for all backgrounds and cultures.
No one person or institution owns or has the global control over Freemasonry.


A Freemason is made the instant a person seals their obligation at their initiation ceremony based on the Solomon legend.

grand lodge

A Grand Lodge is a centralised masonic institution that limits its members from practising Freemasonry by means of its Constitutions, Grand Lodge Certificates and Private Lodge Warrants.

The thesis for this article series is that Pure Ancient Masonry consists of no more – nor no less – than Three Degrees and the Royal Arch: as stipulated in the Articles of the Union dated 27 December 1813. ( Freemasonry under the English Constitution)

The author is ‘advocating’ that the value proposition presented to existing members and future candidates for initiation, is that Freemasonry under the English Constitution, should be promoted as a four-part offering, conferred in a Craft lodge opened in four stages.

On a practical basis, the Royal Arch Chapter units would be absorbed back into the Craft lodges.  The Craft lodge would either conduct meetings in the first three stages, or would be configured as a Chapter and opened in the fourth stage.

Membership of a Pure Ancient Masonry lodge would automatically include all four stages, which completes membership of Pure Ancient Masonry.

to be a good citizen of the world

Secondly, the value proposition for Pure Ancient Masonry is defined in terms of Citizenship; therefore the allegories, symbolism, and lessons will be a blueprint for all Freemasons to be a better citizen of the world. 

The world we live in now, and the world we want to leave to our children.  

I acknowledge that many Freemasons achieve esoteric and spiritual fulfilment from their Freemasonry.

This series of articles does not intend to replace or challenge that fulfilment. But, on the contrary, to offer an alternative Masonic fulfilment, through leadership and personal skill sets based on the lessons taught in Pure Ancient Masonry.

This is a series of 4 articles;
Apprentice, Fellowcraft, Master, and Companion

In order for clarity, each step of this series of articles focuses on the working tools and how symbolically these tools can be used as the working tools to become a better citizen of the world, through leadership and personal development skill sets.


  1. Entered Apprentice Working tools – preparation for citizenship
  2. Fellowcraft Working tools – communication skills
  3. Master Mason Working tools – character building & leadership
  4. Companion Implements of labour – building relationships & trust

Freemasonry offers so much more symbolism, in the charges, lectures, tracing boards etc.

At the present time, it is left open for the student to investigate and incorporate these lessons into their personal path of a daily advancement of Masonic knowledge.

​at the end of life, what really matters
is not what we bought, but what we built;
not what we got, but what we shared;
not our competence, but our character;
and not our success, but our significance.
live a life that matters. live a life of love.

– Unknown

​Citizenship step 4 – Companion

Under the English Constitution of Freemasonry, the Holy Royal Arch Chapter is considered the fourth part of Pure Ancient Masonry, as per the Articles of the Union 1813.
At the time of the Union, an English Constitution Freemason, would have been an Installed Master in the Craft lodge ( Worshipful Master ) before he could be exalted into a Holy Royal Arch Chapter. The admission qualification has been lowered to a Master Mason for four weeks and upwards.

In other jurisdictions, the Holy Royal Arch Chapter is either a stand alone Order in Freemasonry, or part of another rite, such as the York Rite [ ] in USA jurisdictions.
In certain jurisdictions, the Master Mason would have to be first advanced into the Mark Master Degree, then the (virtual) Past Master Degree, the Most Excellent Master Degree, before he could be exalted to a Companion into a Holy Royal Arch Chapter.

In terms of the medieval Guild, a person would serve as an Apprentice, and then become a Journey Man or Craftsman. At a later point he would qualify as a Master, and take on his own apprentice in order to perpetuate the skills of the craft. He might even become a leading hand, or manager, of a small group of masters on the project. Then later in life with years of experience, he might become a ruler in the Guild, or someone others turn to for counsel – he becomes a state craftsman.

Freemason’s Working Tools

The working tools of a Royal Arch Companion, builds upon statesmanship or state craftsmanship skills; they build a long lasting reputation. The Freemason has already spent years perfecting the skills taught in the working tools of Craft degrees:

EA – working tools

Not only the need to manage his own time, but also acknowledge that others have time constraints, and might need some assistance in managing their time.

To have an open mindset for new alternative ideas and methods. The ability to understand a concept with out the need to agree with it, is the acid test to an open mindset.

The wiliness to learn new ideas and how they can be applied to the world around them.

FC – working tools

Good communication skills. To meet on the level, is to meet as equals. That the outcome of the communication encounter is equally beneficial to all those involved.

Communicating with integrity, are all sides communicating honestly, not attempting deception with false truths or unsubstantiated opinions.

Then on the conclusion of the communications encounter, to part on a firm basis of trust and understanding. So at some future time the communication can continue harmoniously.

“happy have we met, happy have we been, happy may we part, and happy to meet again”.

MM – working tools

At all times to act honestly and fairly. It is not important what you say you do ( or what anyone else says what you do, or don’t do ) only what you do that counts.

Remembering your words and actions will be remembered, so keep a check on both. It is unfortunate that bad deeds are often remembered more than good deeds.

To keep within your own bounds of expertise. Refrain from making comments in areas you have little or no knowledge. Sometimes it is better to remain silent and thought a fool, and speak and remove all doubt. Aude Vide Tace.

WM – working tools


Understanding the importance of leadership is to have a plan. Having a plan with a route map is essential for a leader to lead their team and to communicate the direction they are headed.

Not to pressure members of the team to do more than they are able, or is morally incorrect. Never forgetting, that if a member of the team fails to meet a target or their objective, it is the leader who is responsible.

Thirdly, to be prepared to smooth out instances of conflict within a group. We are only humans and all have egos and emotions. It is important for the leader to develop good people skills in times of confrontation and conflict within the group.

The team does not work for a leader,
a good leader works for the team


The lodge does not work for the Master,
a good Master works for the lodge

With all these skills learnt and practiced to be as second nature, the Freemason can build their statesmanship or state craftsmanship reputation.


Members of the Royal Arch Chapter are referred to as Companions. The word ‘companion’ is derived from the Old French compaignon, a person with whom one breaks bread.

RA – implements of labour

Implements of labour – building relationships, creditability and trust. State craftsmanship and goodwill.

The Crowbar – using leverage; a tool to move heavy objects with a light touch. Or directing the path or direction of discussions and ideas, using little force, a light hand.

The Spade/Shovel – clearing away the rubbish and debris that can sometime cloud a premise. Sometimes people’s egos and emotions diffuse what might be a clear objective. To drill down to the issue at hand.  

The Pick – used to break down the whole into manageable parts, ability to look at the individual tasks, then structure a plan/timeline to break a large project into manageable and measurable tasks.

Lessons Taught

Presenting complex solutions via intermediaries.

When they arrive on the scene, the three Master Masons are unknown entities, as they have had no previous relationship or connection with the Grand Sanhedrin now sitting; the decision makers.

First, the three Master Masons have to build a relationship to be accepted before their suggestions and ideas will be considered.

When presenting a new concept to an unknown group of decision makers is a double challenge.
The point here is that the decision makers don’t know you, therefore cannot accept your new ideas without caution.

Even though they might not have their own solution, undertaking a new idea and form unknown entities, is a high risk discussion.

This is when presenting new ideas to others, via intermediaries, who are already known and respected by the discussion makers is an art of state craftsmanship.

The three unknown Master Masons who made the discovery, which they deemed to be of importance, were required to first ,show that discovery to two companions, Scribe Ezra and Scribe Nehemiah who were well known and trusted by the Grand Sanhedrin.

On their report, the Master Masons elevated to companions, or statesmen.

People Buy Benefits

The decision makers want a good outcome, and to look good, and to be seen to be in control.

The intermediaries want to look good in the eyes of the decision makers for presenting a good idea.

only one thing more important
than reading books
is reading people

Humility – as a Past Master, a leader of a lodge, is subjected to the most basic task (Master builder undertaking groundwork).
The reward for completing the task, and for making a discovery so important (lost for 500 years), is invited to a seat with the princes and rulers of the craft,  statesmanship and state craftsmanship.
The statesman understands that in all discussions, in the end, everyone makes a decision based on benefits; what, or how the outcome is a benefit to them.

The statesman is able to formulate long term plans and strategies, hold these, and clearly see a positive outcome for all participants.

The statesman can clearly and concisely articulate what is a successful outcome for each party.

The statesman is able, with a light touch, to keep the plans on course, through counsel, and without direct involvement.

Also, to identify areas of weakness, and provide additional support as needed. To understand that a war is won by fighting many battles, and not all battles have to be won – just the important ones.

To be a better citizen of the world, the world around them, their place of work, their extended family, their community, a Freemason will need to develop and attain the level of states craftsmanship.

Next time you visit a lodge, or a large gathering at work, or in your community, sit back and observe the people in the space.

Who is working the room, who is making it their purpose to talk to many people as they can. Who attracts other people to them, who has other people coming up to them to shake hands.

The one working the room will most likely be a ruffian or even a cowan. Someone who wants the secrets, but who is not willing to put in the effort to discover them.

They will not have learned the Apprentice tools, or mastered the Journeyman’s tools, and possible not even looked at the Master’s tools. But still, wants to have state craftsmen reignition.

The person who is always able to make time for people, no matter how busy their schedule is, has an open mindset to new ideas, especially if they do not agree with them, is a good listener, has a sound character, exercises states craftsmanship skills, is the power base in that group. Make no mistake.

…a value proposition for Freemasonry is to be a better citizen of the world.
Their world and the world around them…

The fifteen working tools of Pure Ancient Masonry, are a good starting point, a good blueprint to achieving that outcome.

This series of articles are informational. That is, the student knows there is an A and B, a starting position – A and the end goal – B.

A course is transformational. That is, the student is transformed from A into B; they start at A and by way of the course, transform into B.


if you want to go fast, go alone…
if you want to go far, go with others



The Square Academy is preparing a course to take the student through the four steps of Pure Ancient Masonry: Apprentice, Craftsman, Master and Companion.

This course provides additional skills alongside Freemasonry that is not available directly from the lodge.

mentor's notes

Article by: Nicholas J Broadway

njcholas broadway

Nicholas was initiated into Freemasonry in 1989 in England (UGLE) and occupied the Master's.  He is a member of ExLibris Lodge 3756 the research lodge and Exlibris Academy. 

He also joined other UGLE craft Lodges and is a PZ in the Royal Arch Chapter. 

He acquired the title of The Square Magazine in January 2020 and oversees the technical running of the digital publication.

SQ Leadership & Personal Development Books

Selected Books on Leadership and Personal Development available at Amazon


Recent Articles: To be a Better Citizen of the World

To be a Better Citizen of the World; Step 1

A value proposition for Pure Ancient Masonry as defined in terms of Citizenship; the allegories, symbolism and lessons are a blueprint for all Freemasons to be a better citizen of the world. 

To be a Better Citizen of the World; Step 2

A value proposition for Pure Ancient Masonry as defined in terms of Citizenship; the allegories, symbolism and lessons are a blueprint for all Freemasons to be a better citizen of the world. 

To be a Better Citizen of the World; Step 3

A value proposition for Pure Ancient Masonry as defined in terms of Citizenship; the allegories, symbolism and lessons are a blueprint for all Freemasons to be a better citizen of the world. 

To be a Better Citizen of the World: Step 4

A value proposition for Pure Ancient Masonry as defined in terms of Citizenship; the allegories, symbolism and lessons are a blueprint for all Freemasons to be a better citizen of the world. 

masonic knowledge

to be a better citizen of the world

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