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August 2023 issue

of The Square Magazine is completed.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the contributors for taking the time to submit articles and Philippa for continuing in the role as Editor with her support in pulling the editorial together.

The main objective for the magazine is to bring a daily advancement in Masonic knowledge to all Freemasons wherever they may be dispersed over the face of the earth or on the water.

In putting together this issue we have endeavoured to reach out to many different branches or obediences in Freemasonry and we will continue to do so in future issues.

The team are well underway with the next three issues and if you would like to submit an article for inclusion, please email the with your synopsis or article. You can find our Submissions Guide which might answer FAQs


We need your support


Imagine having a wealth of masonic knowledge at your fingertips. What’s the value you would place on such a resource?

It’s time to assess the treasure that the Square Magazine offers to its readers.

Since April 2020, we have seen an incredible growth in our audience base. Starting from scratch, our platform now attracts over a million visitors in the past year. Moreover, our online visibility is on the rise with Google search yielding 900,000 impressions over the past 90 days.

The numbers speak volumes about the relevance and appeal of our content.

The question we pose to you is – do you believe that each issue of the Square Magazine provides you with a value of at least ÂŁ1?

Is the masonic knowledge, insights and perspectives shared in each issue worth a small token of ÂŁ1 to you?

If you agree with us on the value proposition, we kindly request a voluntary donation of ÂŁ1 per month for each issue. Your contribution will help sustain the quality and depth of our content.

However, if you believe that the Square Magazine does not provide any value, that’s completely okay. We invite you to share your feedback on how we can improve our offering to make it worth a ÂŁ1.00 per issue to you.

Please fill out the feedback form provided below. Your feedback will be invaluable to our continuous growth and improvement.


If you think this issue of
the Square Magazine provides ÂŁ1 of value
Please support us with a donation

If you don’t think the Square Magazine provides any value at all, that is also fine

We want to spread Masonic knowledge and engage all Freemasons.

If you have any complaints please email me Nicholas Broadway at and I will take the complaints and suggestions on-board.


Looking forward to connecting with you again next month….


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