Venturing into the Virtual Lodge

In an era where technology is reshaping our experiences, even the ancient and revered traditions of Freemasonry are not immune.

Imagine stepping into a virtual Masonic lodge, where centuries-old rituals are faithfully replicated, and the sacred egregore – the collective consciousness of the group – is preserved.

This isn’t a scene from a science fiction novel, but a real possibility being explored by experts from diverse fields.

In this ground breaking exploration, we delve into the minds of a Grand Master of Freemasonry, an AI bot with access to a large language model and internet capabilities, and an Egregore, an esoteric concept representing a thought-form entity.

Together, they embark on a fascinating journey to brainstorm how Freemasons can conduct traditional Masonic rituals in a VR space, assisted by AI, while preserving the unique Egregore experience.

From replicating the physical and sensory aspects of rituals in a virtual environment, to creating shared virtual experiences that strengthen the egregore, and using AI to personalize and enhance the experience – this is a journey of discovery that challenges the boundaries of tradition and technology.

Join us as we delve into this revolutionary approach to Freemasonry, where the ancient and the modern converge in a virtual space. Prepare to be intrigued, challenged, and inspired.


Left: The Grand Master
Centre: The Egregore
Right:The AI Bot
IMAGE LINKED:  wikimedia Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

The Question put to our three guest experts is..


How can Freemasons conduct traditional masonic rituals in a VR space, assisted by AI, and preserve the Egregore experience ?

Expert 1: Grand Master of Freemasonry

Step 1: The first step would be to understand the core components of our Masonic rituals. These include the physical layout of the lodge, the roles and responsibilities of each officer, the use of symbols and tools, and the specific words and actions that make up each degree.

Each of these components would need to be faithfully replicated in a virtual environment. The likelihood of this assertion being correct is high, as it is based on my extensive experience with Masonic rituals.

Critique: This step is crucial as it forms the foundation of the entire process. However, it’s important to remember that the physicality of the lodge and the rituals is only one aspect.

The emotional, psychological, and spiritual aspects are equally important and may be more challenging to replicate in a virtual environment.

Expert 2: Egregore

Step 1: The collective consciousness of the group, or egregore, is a vital part of the Masonic experience. This is created through shared experiences, beliefs, and goals. In a virtual environment, this could be facilitated through shared virtual experiences and interactions.

The likelihood of this assertion being correct is moderate, as it is based on the esoteric concept of the egregore, which may not be fully understood or accepted by all.

Critique: While shared virtual experiences can contribute to the creation of an egregore, it may be more challenging to create the same depth of connection and shared consciousness in a virtual environment as in a physical one.

The lack of physical presence and the potential for distraction or disconnection in a virtual environment could impact the strength of the egregore.

Expert 3: AI Bot

Step 1: From a technical perspective, creating a virtual environment that can replicate the physical layout and components of a Masonic lodge is feasible with current VR technology. AI could assist in this process by automating certain aspects of the rituals, such as the movements of the officers or the delivery of the ritual words.

The likelihood of this assertion being correct is high, based on current technological capabilities.

Critique: While AI and VR technology can replicate many aspects of the physical environment and actions, they may not be able to fully replicate the emotional and psychological aspects of the rituals.

Additionally, the use of AI could potentially detract from the human element of the rituals, which is a key part of the Masonic experience.

Each expert will now consider these critiques and refine their approaches accordingly.

Expert 1: Grand Master of Freemasonry

Step 2: Acknowledging the critiques, I agree that the emotional, psychological, and spiritual aspects of the rituals are crucial. To address this, we could incorporate elements that stimulate the senses and evoke emotions in the VR space, such as the use of music, lighting, and even virtual incense.

We could also use AI to guide participants through meditative practices that are part of our rituals. The likelihood of this assertion being correct is moderate, as it is based on the assumption that sensory and emotional experiences can be effectively simulated in a virtual environment.

Critique: While sensory stimulation can enhance the virtual experience, it may still fall short of the richness of a physical experience.

The effectiveness of AI-guided meditation may also vary among individuals.

Expert 2: Egregore

Step 2: In response to the critique, I suggest that we could strengthen the egregore in the virtual environment by creating shared virtual experiences that are unique and meaningful. This could include virtual team-building activities or shared challenges that align with Masonic principles.

The likelihood of this assertion being correct is moderate, as it is based on the assumption that shared virtual experiences can effectively contribute to the creation of an egregore.

Critique: While shared virtual experiences can help build a sense of community, they may not fully replicate the depth of connection and shared consciousness that is part of an egregore.

The effectiveness of these experiences may also depend on the participants’ level of engagement and immersion in the virtual environment.

Expert 3: AI Bot

Step 2: Considering the critiques, I propose that AI could be used not just to automate aspects of the rituals, but also to enhance the emotional and psychological aspects. For example, AI could be used to personalize the virtual experience for each participant, adapting the environment, symbols, and even the ritual words to their individual needs and responses.

The likelihood of this assertion being correct is moderate, as it is based on the assumption that AI can effectively personalize and enhance the virtual experience.

Critique: While AI personalization can enhance the individual experience, it may not necessarily contribute to the collective experience or the creation of an egregore.

The effectiveness of AI personalization may also depend on the quality of the data and algorithms used.

Each expert will now consider these critiques and refine their approaches accordingly.

Expert 1: Grand Master of Freemasonry

Step 3: In light of the critiques, I propose that we incorporate a virtual “reflection” or “debriefing” period after each ritual. This could be a space for participants to share their experiences, thoughts, and feelings, thereby enhancing the emotional and psychological aspects of the ritual.

This could also help to create a sense of community and shared consciousness, contributing to the egregore. The likelihood of this assertion being correct is moderate, as it is based on the assumption that sharing and reflection can enhance the emotional and psychological aspects of the rituals.

Critique: While a reflection period can enhance the emotional and psychological aspects of the rituals, its effectiveness may depend on the participants’ willingness to share and reflect.

It may also be challenging to create a safe and supportive virtual space for sharing and reflection.

Expert 2: Egregore

Step 3: Considering the critiques, I suggest that we could enhance the egregore by creating a continuous virtual presence for the group, rather than just during the rituals. This could be a virtual “lodge” where members can interact, share, and build relationships outside of the rituals.

The likelihood of this assertion being correct is moderate, as it is based on the assumption that a continuous virtual presence can enhance the egregore.

Critique: While a continuous virtual presence can enhance the sense of community, it may also increase the potential for distraction or disconnection.

The effectiveness of this approach may depend on the participants’ level of engagement and commitment to the virtual lodge.

Expert 3: AI Bot

Step 3: In response to the critiques, I propose that AI could be used to monitor and adapt to the participants’ responses in real time, enhancing both the individual and collective experience. For example, if the AI detects that a participant is distracted or disengaged, it could adapt the environment or the ritual to re-engage them.

The likelihood of this assertion being correct is moderate, as it is based on the assumption that AI can effectively monitor and adapt to participants’ responses.

Critique: While AI adaptation can enhance the experience, it may also raise privacy concerns. The effectiveness of this approach may also depend on the accuracy of the AI’s monitoring and adaptation capabilities.

Each expert will now consider these critiques and refine their approaches accordingly.

Expert 1: Grand Master of Freemasonry

Step 4: Acknowledging the critiques, I propose that we could use a combination of live facilitation and AI assistance during the reflection period. A human facilitator could create a safe and supportive space for sharing and reflection, while AI could assist by providing prompts or guiding questions, based on the participants’ responses.

The likelihood of this assertion being correct is moderate, as it is based on the assumption that a combination of human and AI facilitation can enhance the reflection period.

Critique: While a combination of human and AI facilitation can enhance the reflection period, it may also create a sense of artificiality or intrusion.

The effectiveness of this approach may depend on the facilitator’s skills and the participants’ comfort with AI assistance.

Expert 2: Egregore

Step 4: In response to the critiques, I suggest that we could create guidelines or norms for the virtual lodge to minimize distraction and disconnection. For example, we could have designated “quiet” times for reflection or meditation, and “active” times for interaction and discussion.

The likelihood of this assertion being correct is moderate, as it is based on the assumption that guidelines or norms can enhance the virtual lodge experience.

Critique: While guidelines or norms can enhance the virtual lodge experience, they may also limit spontaneity or freedom.

The effectiveness of this approach may depend on the participants’ acceptance and adherence to the guidelines or norms.

Expert 3: AI Bot

Step 4: Considering the critiques, I propose that we could use AI in a transparent and consensual way, with clear communication about what data is being collected and how it is being used. The AI could also be designed to prioritize the collective experience, adapting the environment or the ritual based on the group’s responses, rather than just individual responses.

The likelihood of this assertion being correct is moderate, as it is based on the assumption that transparent and consensual AI use can enhance the experience.

Critique: While transparent and consensual AI use can enhance the experience, it may also raise ethical or legal issues.

The effectiveness of this approach may depend on the AI’s ability to prioritize the collective experience and the participants’ trust in the AI.

Each expert will now consider these critiques and refine their approaches accordingly. Provide a summary and a Likelihood of correctness percentage

Expert 1: Grand Master of Freemasonry

Step 5: Taking into account the critiques, I propose that we could offer training or orientation sessions for participants to familiarize themselves with the virtual environment and AI assistance. This could help to alleviate any discomfort or artificiality, and enhance the effectiveness of the reflection period.

In summary, my approach involves faithfully replicating the physical and sensory aspects of the rituals in a virtual environment, enhancing the emotional and psychological aspects through shared reflection, and using a combination of human and AI facilitation.

The likelihood of this approach being correct is 70%, as it is based on my extensive experience with Masonic rituals and the potential of VR and AI technology, but also acknowledges the challenges of replicating the richness of physical experience in a virtual environment.

Expert 2: Egregore

Step 5: In response to the critiques, I suggest that we could use a participatory approach to develop the guidelines or norms for the virtual lodge, involving all members in the process.

This could enhance acceptance and adherence, and balance the need for structure with spontaneity and freedom. In summary, my approach involves creating a strong egregore through shared virtual experiences, a continuous virtual presence, and participatory guidelines or norms.

The likelihood of this approach being correct is 65%, as it is based on the esoteric concept of the egregore and the potential of VR technology, but also acknowledges the challenges of creating a deep sense of connection and shared consciousness in a virtual environment.

Expert 3: AI Bot

Step 5: Considering the critiques, I propose that we could use AI not just to monitor and adapt to participants’ responses, but also to facilitate communication and interaction among participants. This could enhance both the individual and collective experience, and build trust in the AI.

In summary, my approach involves using AI to replicate the physical aspects of the rituals, personalize the virtual experience, monitor and adapt to participants’ responses, and facilitate communication and interaction.

The likelihood of this approach being correct is 75%, as it is based on current AI and VR capabilities, but also acknowledges the potential ethical and legal issues, and the need for trust in the AI.


Researchers & Freemasons

We, Freemasons, stand at the precipice of a new era, where technology and tradition converge to create immersive experiences that transcend physical boundaries. The potential of Virtual Reality (VR) in enriching Freemasonry rituals is immense, and we invite you to be a part of this ground-breaking endeavour.

Ex Libris Academy is embarking on a pioneering project to implement VR in Freemasonry rituals. We are calling upon researchers and Freemasons from all obedience to join us in this journey. Your expertise, insights, and commitment to the Masonic tradition are invaluable to the success of this project.

By joining the Ex Libris Academy, you will have the opportunity to work at the forefront of VR technology, contribute to the preservation and enhancement of Freemasonry rituals, and shape the future of Masonic experiences. This project is not just about leveraging technology; it's about fostering a deeper understanding of Freemasonry rituals, enhancing accessibility, and creating a more immersive and interactive Masonic experience.

Whether you are a seasoned researcher, a technology enthusiast, or a Freemason passionate about preserving and enriching our traditions, your contribution can make a difference. Together, we can bridge the gap between tradition and technology, and create a VR Freemasonry experience that is truly immersive, accessible, and true to the spirit of Freemasonry.

Join us at Ex Libris Academy. Let's embark on this exciting journey together, and shape the future of Freemasonry rituals in the era of Virtual Reality.

To join or learn more about this project, please visit our website or contact us directly. We look forward to welcoming you to our team.

Ex Libris Lodge 3765 is a private lodge warranted by the United Grand Lodge of England. Membership to the lodge is open to all Freemasons who are members of Grand Lodges recognised by UGLE.

Ex Libris Academy is a private UK Registered company. The principle objective to research the future practices of Freemasonry in the digital age. Subscription to the academy is open to all Freemasons from all obedience.

Join the Prestigious

Ex Libris Lodge 3765

A Unique Freemasonry Experience Awaits


Ex Libris Lodge 3765 - Hall Stone Lodge - Freemasons Hall. London. England
image: creagh warren private collection

Are you seeking a unique Freemasonry experience that combines tradition, prestige, and camaraderie?

Look no further than Ex Libris Lodge 3765, a private lodge warranted by the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE), consecrated on 18th February 1916.

Ex Libris Lodge 3765 is not just a lodge; it's a community of like-minded individuals who value tradition, personal growth, and brotherhood. As a member, you'll have the opportunity to participate in rich, symbolic rituals, engage in meaningful discussions, and form lifelong bonds with fellow Freemasons.

What sets Ex Libris Lodge 3765 apart is our commitment to inclusivity. We welcome Freemasons from all Grand Lodges recognised by UGLE. Our members bring a diversity of experiences and perspectives, enriching our lodge and strengthening our fraternity.

By joining Ex Libris Lodge 3765, you'll be part of a diverse and inclusive community that values each member's unique contribution.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your Freemasonry journey.

Join Ex Libris Lodge 3765 today and experience Freemasonry like never before.

Visit our website or contact us directly to learn more about membership. We look forward to welcoming you to our esteemed community.

The Ex Libris Lodge 3765 is currently open, and accepting applications for joining members and candidates for initiation into Freemasonry.

Ex Libris Lodge 3765 - Application Form

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Shape the Future of Freemasonry

in the Digital Age with

Ex Libris Academy

Are you passionate about Freemasonry and intrigued by the possibilities of the digital age? Do you envision a future where tradition and technology converge to create an enhanced Masonic experience? If so, we have an exciting opportunity for you.

Ex Libris Academy, a private research company, is dedicated to exploring the future practices of Freemasonry in the digital age. We are at the forefront of this unique intersection of tradition and innovation, and we are committed to preserving the rich history of Freemasonry while embracing the opportunities that technology offers.

By subscribing to Ex Libris Academy, you will join a community of forward-thinking Freemasons from all obediences. You will have access to cutting-edge research, participate in thought-provoking discussions, and contribute to the evolution of Freemasonry practices in the digital age.

Imagine being part of a movement that shapes the future of Freemasonry, ensuring its relevance and vibrancy for generations to come.

Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the future of Freemasonry. Subscribe to Ex Libris Academy today and join us in this exciting journey.

Visit the Ex Libris Academy website to learn more about our mission and to subscribe. Together, let's embrace the future of Freemasonry in the digital age.

Ex Libris Academy - Subscription Application

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Article by: Nicholas J Broadway

njcholas broadway

Nicholas was initiated into Freemasonry in 1989 in Stonewell Lodge No. 9137, Essex England (UGLE) and was Master in 1995, 2011 and 2016. He also joined other UGLE craft Lodges and is a PZ in the Royal Arch Chapter. 

He acquired the title of The Square Magazine in January 2020 and oversees the technical running of the digital publication.

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