‘A man in a passion rides a mad horse’
The quote suggests that when a person is controlled by their emotions, they can act recklessly and make poor decisions, similar to how a rider on a mad horse is out of control and can lead to danger.
In this metaphor, the man is the rider, and the horse is the emotion. The horse is “mad” because it is out of control, and the man is “in a passion” because he is driven by intense feelings.
The metaphor also implies that the consequences of such behaviour can be dangerous and unpredictable. When a person is in a passionate state, they may act impulsively, say things they do not mean, or make decisions that are not rational. This can lead to conflicts with others or even harm to oneself.
A parable that illustrates this concept in a magical story
Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there lived an old master named Ben and his young apprentice, named Kia. Old Ben was a wise and powerful master, renowned throughout the land for his knowledge of magic and his mastery of its ways. Kia, on the other hand, was a curious and eager apprentice who had come to old Ben seeking to learn all that he could about the magical arts.
One day, as they sat together in old Ben’s study, he began to tell Kia a story. “My young apprentice,” he said, “there is an old proverb that I would like to share with you today. It goes like this: ‘A man in a passion rides a mad horse.’
This saying has a great deal of wisdom in it, and I would like to explain its meaning to you.”
Kia listened intently as his master began to weave his tale. “There was a man in the kingdom call Arin,” he said, “who is so consumed by anger, frustration, or some other intense emotion that he climbs atop a wild, untamed horse and sets off at breakneck speed.
The horse is so frenzied that it is difficult to control, and Arin is in danger of being thrown or hurtling headlong into danger.”
Old Ben then looked at Kia with a serious expression. “In the same way, my young apprentice, a person who is controlled by their emotions is in danger of making impulsive and reckless decisions that could lead to vary bad consequences.
Just as a wise rider would approach a wild horse with caution, discipline, and a firm hand, so too should a person learn to control their emotions and make decisions with a clear head.
Only then can they avoid being carried away by their passions and stay on the path to success and happiness.”
Kia nodded, beginning to understand the meaning of the proverb. But old Ben was not finished. “You see, my young apprentice,” he said, “the kingdom in which we live is a magical one, full of wonder and excitement.
But it is also a dangerous place, where powerful forces can lead some people astray.
That is why it is so important for those who use magic to keep their emotions in check, to avoid making impulsive decisions, and to always seek wisdom and guidance.”
Old Ben then leaned in closer, his eyes alight with a gleam of magic. “But do not be discouraged, Kia,” he said. “For in this kingdom, there are also great heroes, brave men and women who have learned to control their passions and use their magic for good.
They are the protectors of the land, and their wisdom and courage inspire all who know them.”
With that, old Ben sat back in his chair, a small smile on his face. Kia was filled with wonder and awe at his old master’s words, and he felt a deep sense of inspiration.
Kia knew that he too wanted to be one of those heroes, one of those who used their magic for good and protected the kingdom from harm.
And so, Kia set out on a journey, seeking to learn all that he could from his master and from the other wise and powerful masters of the land. He trained tirelessly, honing his skills and mastering the magical arts.
And as he grew stronger and wiser, he began to understand the true meaning of the proverb that old Ben had shared with him: that a person who controls their emotions and makes wise decisions will always stay on the path to success and happiness, no matter what challenges they may face along the way.
The End
The moral of the story is that when a person is controlled by their emotions, they can act recklessly and make poor decisions, similar to how a rider on a mad horse is out of control and can lead to danger.
It also highlights the importance of self-control and self-awareness in making sound decisions.
Extract from the book; Master Ben and Kia the Young Apprentice: A book on moral values inspired by Ben Franklin – Volume 1

5 book series
Master Ben and Kia the Young Apprentice:
A book on moral values
inspired by Ben Franklin
Introducing "Master Ben and Kia the young apprentice: A Collection of Moral Parables for Young Readers" - a heart-warming and imaginative children's book that teaches essential life lessons inspired by the great Ben Franklin himself.
Perfect for young readers aged 9 to 12, this captivating collection of short parables takes place in a fantastical kingdom, where an old master named Ben takes on Kia, his young and curious apprentice. Together, they embark on a journey filled with adventure and discovery, as they explore the importance of honesty, kindness, hard work, and many other virtues.
As the charming tales unfold, readers will be transported to a magical kingdom, all while gaining a deeper understanding of what it means to be a good person. With each page turn, children will be delighted and captivated by the timeless wisdom that old Ben imparts.
Don't miss your chance to give your child the gift of wisdom and wonder with "Master Ben and Kia the young apprentice".
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