Book Intro – The Working Tools of an Old York Master

“The Working Tools of an Old York Master” by Wilmshurst is a profound exploration of the ancient symbols and allegories used within Freemasonry.


The book delves into the significance of these symbols, their hidden meanings, and their relevance in personal and spiritual development. Wilmshurst, an esteemed Masonic scholar, provides readers with a captivating journey through the mystical traditions and teachings of Freemasonry.

Chapter 1: The Purpose and Principles of Freemasonry

In this chapter, Wilmshurst lays the foundation by explaining the purpose and principles of Freemasonry. He discusses the craft’s commitment to moral and ethical values, brotherhood, and the pursuit of knowledge. Wilmshurst highlights the importance of symbolism as a language of instruction, enabling Masons to explore deeper truths and self-improvement.

Chapter 2: The Tools of the Craft

Here, Wilmshurst introduces the working tools used in Freemasonry. These physical tools, such as the square, compass, plumb line, and level, hold profound symbolic meanings. Wilmshurst elaborates on each tool’s symbolism, emphasizing their relevance in shaping one’s character, behavior, and approach to life. Through the diligent application of these tools, Masons strive for personal growth and moral rectitude.

Chapter 3: The Symbolism of the Square

This chapter focuses on the symbolism of the square, an essential tool in Masonic rituals. Wilmshurst explores the square as a representation of moral integrity, honesty, and virtue. He delves into the significance of applying moral rectitude in one’s actions and interactions, promoting harmony and balance within oneself and the community.

Chapter 4: The Compass and the Circumference

Wilmshurst turns his attention to the compass, another vital tool in Freemasonry. He discusses the symbolism of the compass as a guide for moral and spiritual development. By drawing circles, the compass signifies boundaries, self-restraint, and the pursuit of equilibrium. Wilmshurst explores how Masons can use the compass to find balance in their thoughts, emotions, and conduct.

Chapter 5: The Plumb Line and the Vertical

In this chapter, Wilmshurst delves into the symbolism of the plumb line, a tool used to measure verticality. He explains how the plumb line represents the importance of living an upright life, both morally and spiritually. Wilmshurst emphasizes the significance of self-reflection, integrity, and adherence to principles, highlighting the plumb line as a reminder to maintain a straight and honorable path.

Chapter 6: The Level and the Horizontal

Wilmshurst explores the symbolism of the level in Freemasonry, representing equality and the absence of rank or hierarchy. He emphasizes the importance of treating all individuals with fairness, respect, and impartiality. Wilmshurst elucidates how the level teaches Masons to put aside social, economic, or cultural differences, fostering a sense of unity and harmony within the fraternity and society.

Chapter 7: The Trestle Board and the Plan

In this chapter, Wilmshurst investigates the symbolism of the trestle board, a tool used to sketch plans and designs. He explains how the trestle board represents the importance of planning and goal-setting in Masonic work and personal life. Wilmshurst emphasizes the power of visualization, intention, and organization in manifesting desired outcomes, both on an individual and collective level.

“The Working Tools of an Old York Master”

The book provides a profound exploration of the symbolism and allegories used in Freemasonry. Wilmshurst expertly reveals the hidden meanings behind the tools of the craft, guiding readers on a transformative journey of self-discovery and personal growth. This book is an invaluable resource for Masons and anyone interested in delving into the profound teachings of ancient traditions. Unveil the secrets of the working tools and unlock the path to enlightenment.

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