Carl Jung’s Living Symbols: P3

The Blueprint for One-World Government on the Trestle-board

Carl Jung’s “Living Symbols” Nourishing and supplying the global organism of self-government – Part 3

Humanitarian craftsmen now have the responsibility to nourish FCI and to intuitively devise the “blueprint” (frame) for a Global Culture of Conscience (Soul).

The FCI blueprint is vast in its existential scope, but its structure (like the capstone of the pyramid) is incomplete.

In order to complete the capstone of coherent government, Labour must be conducted on levels of EM quantum frequencies of Heart-Mind as they are expressed in rituals within independent lodge organisms.

In other words, authentic Freemasonic coherent government exists in EM dimensions that are synchronized with frequency-locking of moral First-Cause principle which is the basis for Masonic agency.

Currently, the media is infected with deep state motivation that is structured to lead humanity into entropy (death) [128] and economic collapse [129, 126], so adjustment of human motivation must be immediate.

When mediated rhetorical dynamics are translated into the dynamics of physics and “coherent entrainment”, the DNA of First Cause media-framing becomes very specific and quantifiable.

For example, in-order to optimize the fleeting “opportunity” presented by the Ukrainian struggle [144, 147], humanitarians must consciously accept the dynamics of EM coherent entrainment (synchronization) with the planetary Soul. 

The onslaught of the insane is self-destructive, but—because this is hard for reasonable people to understand without FC guidance—well-intentioned humanitarian strategies for curing madness will fall short.

FCI must direct human agency, but—in order for the calculus to work—human agency must be characterized with a degree of humanitarian intention in-order to “nourish” existing FC frequency patterns; i.e., humans were designed to take part in the manifestation of Divine Intention.

This is why humans are “special”, but this specialty requires a high degree of conscientiously motivated discipline.

Even good people abjure hard-core discipline. They prefer to think that their specialization occurs automatically. Worse, they have often misconstrued their special divine responsibility and interpreted responsibility as the human right to dominion over the earth. [30]

These attitudes have become a serious obstruction to First Cause Intention relative to the responsibilities of self-government.

Human failure to act through heart-mind [61, 102] has always been the rub. Due to limited understanding, humans have had difficulty distinguishing “brain” from “mind”, and they have been ignorant of the fact the heart has its own brain that is far more powerful than the brain itself. [217, 218]

Moreover, the major religions could not teach the quantum scientific dynamics of God’s First Cause influence because quantum science would have been inaccessible to popular understanding.

The best religion could do was to address moral behavior by rote. The most egregious human limitation has been the misdirected atheistic egotism of modern populism that misdirects human agency and responsibility in monstrous ways.

The symbolism unfolding in the current crisis of planetary extinction is so obvious and the warning of cosmic disaster so clear that—without scientific understanding of the EM unified field—prayer might be considered useless!

Reinforcing the canard of atheism has been a longstanding strategy of the insane, and the strategy has worked because so many humans have a childish understanding of cause-and-effect.

They lose track of answers to their prayers and blame God instead of working to discipline their intelligence.

These human limitations have been addressed from time immemorial in the initiatory practices of Freemasonry (like K12 through Post-Doc) that includes prospective education relative to the nature of “operative” FC morality.

Reminiscent of the global trend away from monarchy to citizen-oriented experiments in government, the rituals and symbolism embedded in Freemasonry qualify as a “source code” for maintenance of coherent One-World Government.[125, 130, 60, 85, 205]

One-World Government that is based on harmonious quantifiable “coherent entrainment” (CE) is distinctly different than the chaotic “deep state” model which is based on malice, deceit, and cacophony.

The essence of the Masonic source code is the psychological dynamic of self-government and its cultural application—responsible stewardship, not dominion—within the EM Geosphere.

It may be stipulated that—though the language used in this chapter relates to technology—the patterns (bandwidths) of “conscientious” self-government (embodied transduction) [158, 171] are innate within the electromagnetic (EM) context that is humanly accessible without recourse to technology.

However, at the current state of human evolution, governmental structure must be at least as tangible as the “mediated” electronic context upon which human self-government is increasingly fixated.

Amidst the global turmoil of corrupt government and the preternatural “culture war in mediated electromagnetic heaven” [151, 152, 153,159, 160, 172, 174] between the First Cause forces of Harmony and the chaotic forces of disharmony, authentic One-World Government is already nascent [167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 175, 177, 179, 181].

So-called democracy is under threat throughout the world, but the human understanding of democracy is vague and populations that benefit from democracy seem unable to disambiguate those benefits from lies, larceny, and slavery.

Fundamental problems exist relative to preserving a democracy that has never existed and is fraught with contradictions and malicious intentions that are enforced by even its advocates. Democracy is not mob rule.

For example, “egality” which is a staple of democratic-Masonic thinking is not about “sameness”.

 Egality is about the equal right to self-government which is clearly stated as “equality of opportunity” in the American Bill of Rights.

The misinterpretation of equality as sameness—which is non-existent in the quantum reality—has confounded American Law with conflicted principles that use “sameness statistics” [A1]to “govern” the infinity of cultural (distributive) differences.

Authentic self-government is paradoxical when considered from the orthodox perspective. For example, everything in the quantum universe including democracy—as a dynamic—must include Hierarchy [208] such as represented in the levels of existing governance (balance of powers) in a democratic republic.

Like self-government, authentic democracy is quantum entangled with hierarchy, so—to be precise—the time is ripe for completing the EM Temple of “conscientious” (Soul) Freemasonic Self-Government that—from time immemorial—has been the mission of Masonry to “realize. [1, 4 ,5, 6, 7, 12, 92 ,93]

Such realization is entirely dependent on the EM agency of conscientious self-governing citizens, but such “humanitarian” citizenry and its technological empowerment has been subjugated increasingly to misdirection by authoritarian forces. [149, 150, 151, 152]

The hypothesis of this paper incorporates dynamics of Jungian dream analysis (dramatic structure, Jungian Ratio, synchronicity, and contextual dramatic persona) because they can be quantified and analyzed (with algorithms based on mathematical functions) to foster citizen self-governance with maintenance of coherent entrainment.

In-order to promote citizen “coherent entrainment” (CE) and self-government—which is embedded in the “living symbolism” of the cross within the circle (Tai Chi)—the electromagnetic (EM) field can be employed to “realize” Coherent Entrainment between First Cause Intention and Human purpose that is the key to maintaining authentic One-World Government.

[A1] Statistics are increasingly used in failed attempts to quantify noumenal-psychological realms based on non-existent “norms”.

continue reading next chapter
Carl Jung's Living Symbols: P4



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  5. Schafer, Stephen Brock 2018b. “Synergy with the World Soul: Establishing the Humanitarian Organism.” In International Journal of Civic Engagement and Social Change (IJCESC). Susheel Chhabra, Ed. 4(3) DOI: 10.4018/IJCESC.20170701
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About the Author



Professor Schafer originated the emergent field of research on the psychological dynamics of the media-sphere emphasizing neurolinguistic processes inherent to the dramatic architecture in PSYCHecology games (PEGs).

He has defined the dramatic-metaphorical common denominator in several dimensions of the quantum-fractal Field of physics and theoretically correlated Bohm's holographic universe with Pribram's holographic brain.

Combining concepts of physics, Jungian dream therapy, heart rate coherence, biogeometry, communication & information technology, and Plato's Sacred Geometry, he has developed a source code for PEGs that--in addition to rhetorical dynamics--includes Plato's asymmetrical sacred geometry embodied "intentional" transduction (chakras), & dynamics of mediated psychological projection (Jung's archetypal representations).

He has established a correlation between the processes of Jungian "Compensation" (defined as Individuation achieved with coherence between archetypes and archetypal representations), "heart-rate coherence" (defined as heart-rate variability--HRV), and the "Flow" phenomenon to be applied to the media-sphere (analog for the Jungian "Dream-scape") as an antidote for electromagnetic pandemics.

The significance of such a correlation is that it allows for the healing of unconscious psyche.

He is developing a theoretical framework in which a genre of PEG may be used to research media biofeedback rubrics in order to heal contextual collectives.

Professor Schafer has designed and taught numerous innovative courses (over 230 sections) that synthesize cognitive psychology, neuromarketing, media ethics, mythology, Jungian principles of dream analysis, and interactive storytelling.

To a degree, all of his classes reflect his longtime interest in human motivation, mass communication, and cultural transformation.

He edited the books, Media Models to Foster Collective Coherence in the Psychecology (2019), Exploring the Cognitive Unconscious in the Age of Digital Media (2016).

He also published the books, Generating a Superconductive Culture of Conscience (2017), & Gaming Cultural Atonement (2018). He has published nearly 100 innovative research papers based on media psychology and the rhetorical dynamics underlying the neuro linguistics.

Schafer has presented papers at numerous international conferences: Center for Consciousness Research, Game Education Summits (GES), Game Developers Conference Online (AGDC), the Asia Festival, Hong Kong, & the Serious Play Conference as well as numerous other invitations from EUROSIS and others.

Professor Schafer’s calling in life has been to assert Living Ethics into collective human agency, so to contribute to the coherent quality of humanity’s energy frequency.

During the 1960s—the beginnings of the Aquarian age with its quantum-media revolution—his efforts were focused on a congeries of projects based on creating synchronicity among scientific-esoteric-psychic perspectives on ontology/epistemology.

He discovered a relatively coherent model—like the unfinished pyramid—in global Freemasonry.

He has edited three books (, written two more, and published over 100 research papers on this unorthodox subject.

Generating A Superconductive Culture of Conscience

By: Stephen Brock Schafer

During the beginnings of an age of illusion, how is a conscientious soul to discern the truth?

At a time when the infinite illusions of the collective unconscious are constantly projected into the superconductive Media-sphere and from there translated into perceived reality where they become cultural world-views, how can the benign soul make authentic choices?

With hindsight about the predictable fallibility of human perceptions, delinquencies, and self-serving choices and actions, how can righteous laws be designed?

In an era of technologically amplified lies where a kleptocratic oligarchy of the moneyed elite understands the dynamic whereby lies become true, what are the potentials for realizing a global, superconductive culture of conscience?

What are the chances for survival of life on Earth?

What are the prospects for maintenance of the dignity of all life in a Psychecology?

What generative powers within the psyche collude to create you and me?

And what do these cryptic powers have to say about our humanity, our imagination or the emotional logic of the human heart?


Exploring the Collective Unconscious in the Age of Digital Media

By: Stephen Brock Schafer

For decades we have witnessed the emergence of a media age of illusion that is based on the principles of physicsthe multidimensionality, immateriality, and non-locality of the unified field of energy and informationas a virtual reality.

As a result, a new paradigm shift has reframed the cognitive unconscious of individuals and collectives and generated a worldview in which mediated illusion prevails.

Exploring the Collective Unconscious in a Digital Age investigates the cognitive significance of an altered mediated reality that appears to have all the dimensions of a dreamscape.

This book presents the idea that if the digital media-sphere proves to be structurally and functionally analogous to a dreamscape, the Collective Unconscious researched by Carl Jung and the Cognitive Unconscious researched by George Lakoff are susceptible to research according to the parameters of hard science.

This pivotal research-based publication is ideally designed for use by psychologists, theorists, researchers, and graduate-level students studying human cognition and the influence of the digital media revolution.


Recent Articles: in this series

Carl Jung's Living Symbols P.9

Discover the ground breaking revelation of Quantum Field Theory: a sentient universe shaped by electromagnetic tensions. Delve into the profound connection between fractal humans and cosmic sentience, and how this realization can redefine our understanding of higher Spiritual Sentience, potentially ushering in a harmonious 'Culture of Conscience'.

Carl Jung's Living Symbols P.8

Jung’s “living Symbols” are the key to organic One-World Freemasonic Government; i.e., The Grand Mystery of operative Freemasonic Labour is that generic Freemasonry is embedded with the DNA archetype for One-World Self-Governance - an insightful view by Professor Stephen Schafer

Carl Jung's Living Symbols P.7

Jung’s “living Symbols” are the key to organic One-World Freemasonic Government; i.e., The Grand Mystery of operative Freemasonic Labour is that generic Freemasonry is embedded with the DNA archetype for One-World Self-Governance - an insightful view by Professor Stephen Schafer

Carl Jung's Living Symbols P.6

Jung’s “living Symbols” are the key to organic One-World Freemasonic Government; i.e., The Grand Mystery of operative Freemasonic Labour is that generic Freemasonry is embedded with the DNA archetype for One-World Self-Governance - an insightful view by Professor Stephen Schafer

Carl Jung's Living Symbols P.5

Jung’s “living Symbols” are the key to organic One-World Freemasonic Government; i.e., The Grand Mystery of operative Freemasonic Labour is that generic Freemasonry is embedded with the DNA archetype for One-World Self-Governance - an insightful view by Professor Stephen Schafer

Carl Jung's Living Symbols P.4

Quantifying one-world government of “conscience” with archetypal representations. Jung’s “living Symbols” are the key to organic One-World Freemasonic Government; i.e., The Grand Mystery of operative Freemasonic Labour is that generic Freemasonry is embedded with the DNA archetype for One-World Self-Governance - an insightful view by Professor Stephen Schafer

Carl Jung's Living Symbols P.3

Jung’s “living Symbols” are the key to organic One-World Freemasonic Government; i.e., The Grand Mystery of operative Freemasonic Labour is that generic Freemasonry is embedded with the DNA archetype for One-World Self-Governance - an insightful view by Professor Stephen Schafer

Carl Jung's Living Symbols P.2

Jung’s “living Symbols” are the key to organic One-World Freemasonic Government; i.e., The Grand Mystery of operative Freemasonic Labour is that generic Freemasonry is embedded with the DNA archetype for One-World Self-Governance - an insightful view by Professor Stephen Schafer

Carl Jung's Living Symbols P.1

Jung’s “living Symbols” are the key to organic One-World Freemasonic Government; i.e., The Grand Mystery of operative Freemasonic Labour is that generic Freemasonry is embedded with the DNA archetype for One-World Self-Governance - an insightful view by Professor Stephen Schafer

Carl Jung’s “Living Symbols”

Jung’s “living Symbols” are the key to organic One-World Freemasonic Government; i.e., The Grand Mystery of operative Freemasonic Labour is that generic Freemasonry is embedded with the DNA archetype for One-World Self-Governance - an insightful view of Jung's work by Professor Stephen Schafer

Recent Articles: Esoteric Masonry

The Metaphysical Tapestry

Explore the multifaceted concept of the Divine across various cultural and religious perspectives. Delve into the intriguing deliberations on the Great Architect, Demiurge, and their roles in shaping our understanding of the cosmos, blending philosophical, theological, and metaphysical insights into a rich tapestry of human spirituality. 


Unveiling the Mysteries: Explore the Enigmatic World of Rosicrucianism! Dive into the fascinating origins and teachings of the Rosicrucian tradition, shaped by the mythical figure Christian Rosenkreuz. Discover the secrets of alchemy, spiritual transformation, and esoteric knowledge. Unlock the hidden wisdom that has captivated seekers for centuries. Unleash your inner mystic today! 

An Esoteric Interpretation of the Holy Royal Arch

Delving into the profound mysteries of the Holy Royal Arch, Matt DA Fletcher offers an esoteric interpretation that challenges the conventional understanding of Freemasonry. While Craft Masonry is clear in its teachings, the Royal Arch remains an enigma for many. Fletcher's exploration uncovers the symbolic and philosophical depths of this degree, revealing its significance in the Mason's journey towards reintegration with the Creator. 

Stoicism, Freemasonry, and the Modern Man

Discover how the ancient wisdom of Stoicism can enrich Freemasonry and modern life. Dr. Chacón-Lozsán Francisco M.˙.M.˙. explores Stoic principles like virtue, resilience, and inner peace, offering practical insights for today's challenges. Learn how these timeless teachings can foster personal growth, ethical conduct, and emotional stability. 

The Universal Rite

Explore the evolution of Masonic rites with the Universal Rite, a modern adaptation of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. Discover how it integrates contemporary principles, promotes intercultural dialogue, and ensures the timeless values of Freemasonry remain relevant in today's world. 

Pansophic Freemasons

Unveil the secrets of Pansophic Freemasonry, a transformative journey through the ancient mystical traditions. Delve into the sacred realms of Rosicrucianism, Templar wisdom, Kabbalah, Gnosticism, and more. Discover the Graal, the sacred Grail that connects all esoteric paths. Embrace a holistic spiritual quest that reveals the profound mysteries of self and the universe.

Decoding Transcendence

Dive into a spiritual journey where self-awareness is the key to enlightenment. The Gospel of Thomas and Masonic teachings converge on the profound truth that the path to transcendent wisdom lies within us. Embrace a diversified understanding of spirituality, emphasizing introspection as the gateway to a universally respected enlightenment. Explore, understand, transcend.

Philosophy the Science of Estimating Values

Philosophy is the science of estimating values. The superiority of any state or substance over another is determined by philosophy. By assigning a position of primary importance to what remains when all that is secondary has been removed, philosophy thus becomes the true index of priority or emphasis in the realm of speculative thought. The mission of philosophy a priori is to establish the relation of manifested things to their invisible ultimate cause or nature.

Freemasonry and Astrologers

Unlocking the Mysteries: The Surprising Connection Between Freemasonry and Astrologers Revealed! Delve into the intriguing world of Freemasonry and explore its ties to astrological practices. Discover how these two distinct realms intersect, offering a fascinating glimpse into the esoteric interests of some Freemasons. Uncover the hidden links and unravel the enigmatic bond between Freemasonry and astrologers!


Neoplatonism, a philosophy with profound influence from the 3rd to the 6th century, merges Platonic ideals with Eastern thought, shaping Western and Middle-Eastern philosophy for two millennia. It emphasizes the unity of the individual with the supreme 'One', blending philosophy with theology and impacting major religious and philosophical movements, including Christianity and Islam.

Freemasonry and Gnosticism

The enigmatic allure of Freemasonry's ancient rituals and Gnosticism's search for hidden knowledge capture the human spirit's endless quest for enlightenment. Between the stonemason's square and the Gnostic's divine spark lies a tantalizing intersection of philosophy, spirituality, and the pursuit of esoteric wisdom. Both traditions beckon with the promise of deeper understanding and moral elevation, inviting those who are drawn to unravel the tapestries of symbols and allegories. Whether through the fellowship of the lodge or the introspective journey of the soul, the paths of Freemasonry and Gnosticism represent a yearning to connect with something greater than ourselves—an impulse as old as time and as compelling as the mysteries they guard.

Theosophy & Freemasonry

Embark on a journey through time and spirituality with our in-depth exploration of the Theosophical Society's Seal. This ancient emblem, rich with symbols, bridges humanity with the cosmos, echoing through the world's great faiths and diverse cultures. Our paper delves into the six mystical symbols, untangling their profound meanings and tracing their presence in historic art worldwide. Unaffiliated with worldly movements, these symbols open a window to esoteric wisdom. We also probe potential parallels with Freemasonry, seeking threads that might connect these storied organizations. Join us in unveiling the universal language of the spirit encoded within this enigmatic Seal.

Achieving Self-Dominance

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The Winding Staircase and its Kabbalistic Path

The Winding Staircase in freemasonry is a renowned symbol of enlightenment. In this article, we explore its connection to Kabbalistic thought and how it mirrors the inner growth of a candidate as he progresses throughout his Masonic journey. From faith and discipline in Binah, to strength and discernment in Geburah, and finally to victory and emotional intuition in Netzach, each step represents a crucial aspect of personal development. Join us as we delve into the esoteric meanings of this powerful symbol.

Capitular Masonry

Unravel the mystic origins of Capitular Masonry, a secretive Freemasonry branch. Explore its evolution, symbolic degrees, and the Royal Arch's mysteries. Discover the Keystone's significance in this enlightening journey through Masonic wisdom, culminating in the ethereal Holy Royal Arch.

Reflections on the Second Degree Work

Bro. Draško Miletić offers his reflections on his Second Degree Work – using metaphor, allegory and symbolism to understand the challenges we face as a Fellow Craft Mason to perfect the rough ashlar.

Diversity and Universality of Masonic Work

Explore the rich tapestry of Masonic work, a testament to diversity and universality. Uncover its evolution through the 18th century, from the stabilization of Symbolic Freemasonry to the advent of Scottish rite and the birth of Great Continental Rites. Dive into this fascinating journey of Masonic systems, a unique blend of tradition and innovation. Antonio Jorge explores the diversity and universality of Masonic Work

Nonsense as a Factor in Soul Growth

Although written 100 years ago, this article on retaining humour as a means of self-development and soul growth is as pertinent today as it was then! Let us remember the words of an ancient philosopher who said, when referring to the court jester of a king, “It takes the brightest man in all the land to make the greatest fool.”

Freemasonry: The Robe of Blue and Gold

Three Fates weave this living garment and man himself is the creator of his fates. The triple thread of thought, action, and desire binds him when he enters into the sacred place or seeks admittance to the Lodge, but later this same cord is woven into the wedding garment whose purified folds shroud the sacred spark of his being. - Manly P Hall

The Path to Human Flourishing

By such a prudent and well regulated course of discipline as may best conduce to the preservation of your corporal and metal faculties in the fullest energy, thereby enabling you to exercise those talents wherewith god has blessed you to his glory and the welfare of your fellow creatures.

The Philosophy of Freemasonry

Jacob Ernst's 1870 treatise on the Philosophy of Freemasonry - The theory of Freemasonry is based upon the practice of virtuous principles, inculcating the highest standard of moral excellence.

Alchemy and Freemasonry

Alchemy, like Freemasonry, has two aspects, material and spiritual; the lower aspect being looked upon by initiates as symbolic of the higher. “Gold” is used as a symbol of perfection and the earlier traces of Alchemy are philosophical. A Lecture read before the Albert Edward Rose Croix Chapter No. 87 in 1949. by Ill. Bro. S. H. Perry 32°

The State of Being

The spirit of the Renaissance is long gone and today's globalized and hesitant man, no matter ideology and confession, is the one that is deprived of resoluteness, of decision making, the one whose opinion doesn't matter. Article by Draško Miletić,

A Mason's Work in the First Degree

Every Mason's experiences are unique - here writer and artist Draško Miletić shares insights from his First Degree Work.

Initiation and the Lucis Trust

The approach of the Lucis Trust to initiation may differ slightly to other Western Esoteric systems and Freemasonry, but the foundation of training for the neophyte to build good moral character and act in useful service to humanity is universal.

Who were the Élus Coëns

Who were the mysterious 18th century Élus Coëns – a.k.a The Order of Knight-Masons Elect Priests of the Universe – and why did they influence so many other esoteric and para-Masonic Orders?

Blackheath Degrees

Bro. Chris Hatton gives us his personal reflections on the history of the 'house at Blackheath and the Blackheath Orders', in this wonderful tribute to Andrew Stephenson, a remarkable man and Mason.

Book Review - Cagliostro the Unknown Master

The book review of the Cagliostro the Unknown Master, by the Editor of the book

Freemasonry and Egyptomania

We explore fascinating and somewhat contentious historical interpretations that Freemasonry originated in ancient Egypt.

Is Freemasonry Esoteric?

Is Freemasonry esoteric? Yes, no, maybe!

Egyptian Rite

Egyptian Freemasonry, founder Cagliostro was famed throughout eighteenth century Europe for his reputation as a healer and alchemist

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