The State of Being

The spirit of the Renaissance is long gone and today’s globalized and hesitant man, no matter ideology and confession, is the one that is deprived of resoluteness, of decision making, the one whose opinion doesn’t matter.

A new phenomenological topic has occurred. Thus, we cannot talk about the redundant man singular any more, but in the plural.

The best example was triggered by the economic crisis in the US in 2008, and elsewhere when millions of people were cast out of their homes and unable to pay their monthly loans.

Suddenly, banks got in possession of hundreds of thousands of houses, tenants ended up on the streets, prices of real estate dropped out. Housing which once was one of the biggest economic branches in the US has started to decay.

Today’s society has created the Being that prevents the development both of the human character, and of society itself. A state of additional entropy has ensued. The Postmodernism credo known as Deconstruction has become auto-destruction.

The x-ray of being, the completeness itself, as simple as this: out of the beauty – ugliness; out of the gentleness – brutality; out of the plural – singular; out of the smallness – significance; out of the masterpiece – pettiness; the absence of separation, of reduction also, is compromised.

We must not forget that all enumerated dichotomous pairs, among many others, represent the way; they are not mutually excluding each other, they are not a duality, they are two of one.

Dear Brethren, it is our obligation to follow the path of completeness. The path is a process, and every stage of it has a significance that must be considered and done. Not to miss even the smallest step. No matter how much time and it will take.

Having all in consideration, one should inevitably start purifying one’s mind, upgrading the will, monitor his spirit. This should be a way of inner enlightenment. To lean upon the very best of itself. But where is society today?

Ready to produce even more redundant people, ready to hurry the redundant man into death. Because the redundant one is far more expensive to maintain than the dead one.

However, telling the story of a redundant man is a way to overcome such a destiny. Even to shed the structure of emptiness.

To refute nothingness. It is a kind of intuitive human logic. Constantly striving to connect the beginning of life with its present, and thus reveille and abandon the pathology of life itself. The final goal is to equate the aesthetic obligation to ethical responsibility.

To stay away from the circumstances in which a man exists below himself, below morality and humanity. It is a Masonic obligation to act, not to allow any kind of separation.

Otherwise, we will reach irreversibility, and even worst we will abolish ourselves. That is why man needs to gather his own will from various human darkness, that is why man needs the moment of solemn return, the state of acting, no matter how the deed is small, almost invisible.

As for now, I firmly believe in the Brotherhood. It is a magnificent mixture of pain and joy, of commitment and additional commitment. But, even though commitment, extended to human life, makes life difficult and uncertain, it touches the very essence of Being.

But, in questioning both the purpose of life and its boundaries, we must not allow to prevail whatever removes, destroys, and obliterates the most. That leads to the ruined Being, which ultimately ends in hate and misunderstanding.

Image Source: MIT Press via Psychology Today

Therefore, the only obligation in these restless and troubled times, is to lean upon the ancient concept of ‘sisu’ (Finnish), which describes a stand of bravery, durability, austerity, tenacity, and determination if a Freemason finds himself questioned by adversity.

It is a word that summons and enables an extra strength and willingness, proving to a Freemason that nothing is hard to do, or be achieved.

If a Freemason is using sisu with joy, then, as Buddhism states, he is doing double goodness. Then there is no challenging situation, physical or mental that a Freemason cannot overcome. That should be the best way to confer himself to further righteousness and humanity.

In short said: to be brave against the odds and failure, embrace challenges, and discharge any limits of mind and beliefs.

That’s why Freemasons should always have a tool that is used to measure, the compass, and level. That is how one achieves the whole, gets the Pythagorean right triangle, gets four, three, five, the measurement for life. That is an effective and incredible tool that we should have in our hands all the time.

As simple as that. But we must never forget that the twentieth century is defined by symbols of vanity; that century began with the sinking of the Titanic and ended with the destruction of the New York Twin Towers – that century belongs to America; it pervades water and fire, sailing to the New World and burning that same world.

Aside from the reflection of America in it, the twentieth century was a century of horror, the shame of entire nations, and the savagery of many – a century of the destruction of identity and race. I believe that the twenty-first century will be a century of denial. As a result, the Freemason must act – at once.

About the Authour



Draško Miletić, born in Kotor. Montenegro

He  graduated from Belgrade University as BA of tourism, but changed profession, started working as a journalist and for fifteen years was a journalist, editor and author in digital and news media, an editor at ART TV, the channel specialized for cultural topics.

Since 2001,  Draško dedicated himself to literature not only as a writer, but also as a editor in chief of the books of poetry, essays and short stories and the literary magazine URB, which was published monthly from 2003-2007.

During the period 2005-2007 he was also teacher in the Center for Youth Creativity. As a result, three books were published. He has published more than fifty literary and web magazines in Serbia and the region.

Draško is a member of the Serbian literary society and since 2018 has been an independent artist. He is multilingual, speaking English and French. He lives and works in Belgrade with his wife Neda, a music teacher, and has two grown-up children.

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by  Draško Miletić  (Author)

Ovaj roman je uspešno pokazao vitalnost srpske književnosti ne samo svojom naracijom već i obiljem tema i likova koje obrađuje. Braća Kuga (već i samo prezime govori o piščevom stavu) neprekidnim monolozima, dijalozima i analizama seciraju celokupnu istoriju ljudskog roda, koja se u jednoj čudesnoj sobi prikazuje potpuno ogoljena. Roman Kalendari će se temeljno čitati, teško prepričavati, a čitaoci će mu se sigurno ponovo vraćati.


PH (bazno-neutralno-kiselo)

by  Draško Miletić  (Author)

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