A Warm welcome from the Editor and a roundup of this month's article highlights, our regular contributors and features
American Fraternalism in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries
The late 19th and early 20th centuries in the United States has been called the "Golden Age of Fraternalism." How did this come about and why was the idea of joining a fraternal organization so popular? We will explore this question and examine the regalia used by many fraternal organizations in this period.
Masonic Miscellanies – Masonic Master’s Carpets
Have you got a magic "Masonic Master's Carpet" in your lodge? I say 'magic' with my tongue firmly in my cheek because (as far as I know) these fabulous works of art don't bestow any mystical powers but can bestow some educational ones! However, considering their possible value today, they may magic up some interest …
Continue reading "Masonic Miscellanies – Masonic Master’s Carpets"
Masonic Blogs – Universal Co-Masonry
Possibly one of the most thought-provoking blogs dedicated to Freemasonry for men and women is to be found on the website of Universal Co-Masonry . There are a wealth of subjects authored by a host of superb contributors.
8 Schools of Freemasonry – Esoteric P7
The Esoteric School – Arthur Edward Waite viewed Freemasonry as a form of mystical teaching. He taught that enlightenment was achieved through the perfection of the self via the study of arcane knowledge and practice of occult rites.
The Trowel – Working Tool of the Master Mason
The Trowel is the symbol of that which has power to bind men together – the cement is brotherhood and fellowship.
What's in a name? A brief history of the first Scottish Lodge in Australia - By Brother Kenneth C. Jack, Past Master, Lodge St. Andrew, No. 814, Pitlochry
The Builders – 13 The Spirit of Masonry
The Spirit of Masonry. Masonry is Friendship—friendship, first, with the great Companion, of whom our own hearts tell us, who is always nearer to us than we are to our-selves, and whose inspiration and help is the greatest fact of human experience.
Jacob’s Ladder occupies a conspicuous place among the symbols of Freemasonry being on the First Degree Tracing Board, the most conspicuous and first seen by the candidate on his initiation – a vision of beauty and intrigue for the newly admitted.
A Journey in Stone – Extracts of Wisdom p.10
More extracts of wisdom from Craig Weightman's book 'A Journey in Stone' – in this final part in the serialisation, we discover the Transformative Symbolism of the Royal Arch – and the end of the journey.
November is a month of reflection – perhaps due to the fact that we are getting close to the years' end – but also because Remembrance / Armistice Day (11 November) is a significant date in most countries' diaries.
The Ritual of the Operative Free Masons – P1
The original paper was written, first, to prove that Speculative Free Masonry was derived from Operative Free Masonry; second, to give some account of the Operative Free Masons, of their Ritual, and of their customs. By Thomas Carr, M.D., P. M. Honorary Member of the Guild of Operative Free Masons
Freemasonry in Popular Culture P4 – TV
Part 4 of our series on Freemasonry in Popular Culture takes a look at some of the TV series that feature Freemasonry. With much intrigue into the supposed machinations of the Freemasons within business, politics and the police force, TV was a ripe medium for ridicule and sensationalist anti-Masonic propaganda.
Speculative Freemasonry, as practise by Grand Lodge of England, was officially born just over three hundred years ago, is today an international organisation, counting over six million members. It has been subjected to persecution, suppression, and abolition throughout its history. In its infancy, only a couple of decades after its official birth, it had already …
The Master Mason’s Handbook P5
Chapter 5 - The Secrets. Having thus been brought into the place of light the Candidate is given not the genuine secrets, but only substituted ones. This fact must often have puzzled the Candidate. The practical reason given in the ritual, though perfectly intelligible to a Royal Arch mason, cannot be the real one.
A weekly masonic podcast connecting Freemasons around the world with leadership development, Masonic education, and Masonic history. - New episodes each Monday - Subscribe to keep updated.
Old Tiler Talks – The Greatest Work
The Old Tiler asked, "what is the greatest work of Masonry?" The New Brother sat by the guardian of the door and pulled out his cigar case. - Another instalment of wisdom by Carl Claudy, The Greatest Work
In Conversation with…Daniel Duke
Author Daniel Duke talks to Philippa Lee about his new book 'Secret History of the Wild, Wild West' the third in a series on Outlaws, secret societies and hidden treasure. Dan is the great-great grandson of the infamous Jesse James, and the definitive authority on the subject.
Secret History of the Wild, Wild West
Exclusive Extract of Daniel Duke's new book 'Secret History of the Wild, Wild West – Outlaws, Secret Societies and hidden Agendas of the Elite'.
The Order Of The Temple And Its Doctrine
THE Order of the Temple is divided into two great classes, denominated respectively the Order of the Temple and the Eastern Order. The Eastern Order gave birth to the Order of the Temple, and in the course of time has become an appendage of the latter. It is in ancient Egypt that we find the …
The Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsylvania’s “Embodying Masonic Values” open art competition
Digital, Art
We introduce a new selection of masonic inspired NFT art collections available on Opensea produced by artists from around the globe.
Digital Freemasonry NFT Marketplace
Digital, Art
This NFT serves as a confirmation that the owner is one of a total of 333 founders of Digital Freemasonry who contributes to the development of certain digital tools
Tubal Cain Masonic Apron NFTs are a collection of 1,000 unique digital designed Masonic collectable aprons, available as real collectable aprons
Helps those seeking the hidden mysteries of nature and science gain the occult knowledge and wisdom required to master their inner self and outer life.
Book Intro – Three Distinct Knocks (c.1760)
Giving an exact account of all their proceedings in making a brother, with the three obligations or oaths belonging to the first second, and third degrees of masonry, viz. The entered apprentice, fellow-craft, and master-mason: with the obligating on belonging to the chair, and the grip and word.
1st Digital Freemasonry Summit 2023
The Square Magazine is very excited to take part in the First Digital Freemasonry Summit which will take place in Zagreb, Croatia, on March 18-19, 2023.
Book Review – Inventing the Future
This book sets out those principles, considers the people involved and explores the framework within which their ideas were formed. And it discusses how the Constitutions evolved. - By Ric Berman
Book Review – The Freethinking Freemason
Tim Bryce's "The Freethinking Freemason" offers sage advice on how to run a Masonic Lodge, editorials on the future direction of the fraternity, and stories aimed at entertaining Masons.
How to join QCCC - the world’s first and oldest Masonic research society established over 135 years ago.
Book Review – 21st Century Rosicrucianism
When the original Rosicrucian pamphlets were circulated in the early 1600s they sent a shockwave across Europe, instigating a surge of activity that changed the course of Western Esotericism.