Welcome to the January 2023 issue of The Square
By the time you read this, you may already have waved goodbye to the Old Year and seen in the New but wherever you are in the world, and however you celebrate, we would like to wish you a healthy and prosperous 2023.
Even if you have rung or sung in the New Year, do take a look at our topical articles for January.
This month’s Editor picks:
To celebrate Burns’ Night we have a host of tributes to the Scottish Bard:

Masonic Miscellanies – Freemasonry and ‘Auld Lang Syne’
Millions of people throughout the world will sing ‘Auld Lang Syne’ to see out the Old Year. Few will know all the words, fewer still know what they mean, or that there is a link to Freemasonry.

The Chain of Union – Masonic author Andrew Hammer examines the concept of a ‘Chain of Union’. As brothers consider how they might implement the Chain of Union in their lodges, it is apparent that far from being a “foreign innovation”, it is instead a forgotten treasure of our own Masonic history that merely need be restored.

Robert Burns and James Hogg – As many Freemasons will be celebrating Burns’ Night on 25 January, we feature another gem from Kenneth Jack – his Oration delivered to the Annual Burns and Hogg Festival, at Lodge Canongate Kilwinning, No. 2, Edinburgh in 2018.

The Guinea’s Stamp – Paul Gardner takes a look at the premise ‘That rank is but the guinea’s stamp, the man himself’s the gold’.
But what does this mean, even given the lyric and tone of Burns’ time?
It is oft times used in a derogatory sense, (somewhat in good humour) between Masons (or not) on the achieving of honours. But its antecedents are much more complex than that.

On a more sombre note, we offer our commemoration article for International Holocaust Remembrance Day which is held annually on 27 January.
This heartbreakingly haunting photography, taken on a visit to Auschwitz concentration camp, is a stark reminder of what occurs When Hate Goes Too Far.

Loge Liberté Chérie was one of three known Masonic lodges that existed within concentration camps by prisoners during WWII.
In this article we trace their history and the extraordinary tenacity of the men who created them.
Regular Contributors

From Tower to Temple – Gerald Reilly explains as to how can the allegory of the Tower of Babel can teach us tolerance? Language can be a divide.
Not confusion among languages but rather within language, a seriously unclear understanding of another’s world-view.
We assume it is so different from our own and yet with clarity, a realisation there is more which unites than separates.

Freemasonry and Education – Chris Batty demonstrates how in a little lesson of Masonic history, education is truly a Masonic obligation.

Practical Life Lessons – Nicholas Broadway brings us a new series offering a guide to practical life lessons taught through Freemasonry for young adults setting out in life after full time education –
Lesson 1: How to communicate effectively and assertively.
As always, we also have the usual features of old books, new books, reviews of books, and a whole host of Masonic knowledge to keep you busy with your ‘daily advancement’.
We hope you enjoy this month’s issue. If you do – or if you don’t – drop me a line at editor@thesquaremagazine.com
Until next time, stay safe and well.

Article by: Philippa Lee. Editor

Philippa Lee (writes as Philippa Faulks) is the author of eight books, an editor and researcher.
Philippa was initiated into the Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons (HFAF) in 2014.
Her specialism is ancient Egypt, Freemasonry, comparative religions and social history. She has several books in progress on the subject of ancient and modern Egypt. Selection of Books Online at Amazon