November 2021 Issue articles
Who were the mysterious 18th century Élus Coëns – a.k.a The Order of Knight-Masons Elect Priests of the Universe – and why did they influence so many other esoteric and para-Masonic Orders?
Freemasonry & Bees - what's the buzz? The bee was among the Egyptians the symbol of an obedient people, because, says Horapollo, of all insects, the bee alone had a king. masonic blog marks the tercentenary of the publication in London of The Constitutions of the Freemasons – the ‘1723 Constitutions’ – a book whose Enlightenment principles provide the philosophical foundations of Modern Freemasonry and the structure for many civil societies. Many Masonic histories have been concerned with ‘when’ and ‘what’. Here we examine the context and explain ‘why’.
The Cable Tow: Its Origins, Symbolism, & Significance for Freemasons - While there have been a number interpretations of the symbolism of the cable tow, the most common explanation that one tends to hear… is the bond or tie between the initiate and the brethren of the lodge.
The Royal Arch – ‘the fourth step in regular Freemasonry’
United Grand Lodge of England, has now designated the Royal Arch, the fourth step in regular Freemasonry, it therefore must be concluded that…publications…should now be revised, and based on attracting to the benefits of the four steps.
Masons, Magus', and Monks of St Giles - who were the Birrell family of Scottish Freemasonry?
The Foundations Explore an outstanding classic in Masonic literature - an exposition of the early history and symbolism of Freemasonry – from the foundations upwards.
The Christianising of British Freemasonries – Part 3
Discover the battle for the 'soul' of Masonry. Part 3. French Perdition: ‘…for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness’?
Coming to Terms with the Great War Within Ourselves
Discover your 'shadow' - the black-and-white path to self-awareness - "A man who is possessed by his shadow is always standing in his own light and falling into his own below his own level." - Carl Jung
What's the difference between equity and equality? Equality essentially means providing everyone with the same amount of resources regardless of whether everyone needs them. ... Equity is when resources are shared based on what each person needs in order to adequately level the playing field.
International Masonic Union CATENA
An international association of Grand Lodges and independent Lodges, with all true Masonic traditions, which adhere to the basic principles of the equal standing of men and women in Freemasonry.
Hugh O’Neill's regular chippings whilst smoothing the ashlar: - Emblems on an Installed Master’s Apron.
The Entered Apprentices Handbook
Chapter 7 - The candidate receives the charge, the first significant point is the phrase "Ancient, no doubt it is, as having subsisted from time immemorial".
Our pick of the best Masonic Podcasts
Advertising - We would do more good in the world if we advertised ourselves more… Why ?
Hogarth discreetly embeds more masonic signs and symbols in A Rake’s Progress, never forgetting, everything he included in his scenes had meaning and is there for a reason.
A phrase that immediately comes to mind when describing Freemasonry – Morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols. Let us have a look at what this phrase actually means.
What are the qualities of a convivial man and how does this dovetail perfectly in to Freemasonry ? - 16th March, 1875
The Genius of Freemasonry: “Has any brother anything to offer for the good of Masonry?” The following pages are the author’s answer to that question.
This month Editor Philippa Lee meets Stewart Clelland the author / translator of The Green Book of The Élus Coëns
How to join QCCC - the world’s first and oldest Masonic research society established over 135 years ago.
The Masonic Pageant is published by Cornerstone Book Publishers and features a nice foreword by Chris Hodapp
Freemasonry for the Heart and Mind: A glance at Freemasonry during the Enlightenment and the American and French revolutions.
SQ Leadership & Personal Development Books
Selected Books on Leadership and Personal Development available at Amazon
Final note from the publisher and your feedback ....