

September 2022 Issue articles

From The Editor

Warm welcome from the Editor

Salt, Wine, and Oil

It is common knowledge that the ancient wages of a Fellowcraft Mason consisted of corn, wine, and oil. Many however, object to this assertion. How can corn be associated with these ancient wages when—clearly—corn was first discovered in the New World? Discover how 'corn' may in fact be 'salt'!

Masonic Ring

Masonic Miscellanies – The Broken Column Monument

The story of the broken column was first illustrated by Amos Doolittle in the "True Masonic Chart" by Jeremy Cross, published in 1819.

The Imperative Study of Nature and Science

At some stage during Freemasonry's Second Degree, the candidate is advised that there is now permitted, something like, the extension of their research into the hidden mysteries of nature and science. Such is an excellent permission and one that each and every Freemason should pursue with awe and passion.

Masonic Swords

8 Schools of Freemasonry – Philosophy P5

To finish with Roscoe Pound's invaluable work on the Philosophies of Freemasonry, we look at his final summing up: A Twentieth-Century Masonic Philosophy: The Relation of Masonry to Civilisation.

Property and Plunder

A story of the 'Ruffians' – those individuals whose paths cross ours, who feel entitled to seize and consume the property of others that they have not earned. A lesson to build character to be a better citizen of the world.

Masonic Cases

George Blackie – The History of the Knights Templar P.4

The final part in the serialisation of George Blackie's 'History of the Knights Templar and the Sublime Teachings of the Order' transcribed by Kenneth Jack.

The Builders – 11 What is Masonry

Chapter 11 "Masonry is the activity of closely united men who, employing symbolical forms borrowed principally from the mason's trade and from architecture, work for the welfare of mankind, striving morally to ennoble themselves and others, and thereby to bring about a universal league of mankind, which they aspire to exhibit even now on a …

Bricks Masons

Freemasonry in Pop Culture P2 – Film

Following on from Part 1 of Freemasonry in Pop Culture we take a look at Masonic depictions in film.

A Journey in Stone – Extracts of Wisdom p.8

More extracts of wisdom from Craig Weightman's book 'A Journey in Stone' – this month, we explore the symbolism of King Solomon's temple with build a Freemasons Character

Masonic Regalia

Leadership and Freemasonry

What is leadership and who does freemasonry help develop those skills needed to be a better leader

The Operatives

Most Freemasons have heard the terms 'Operative' and 'Speculative' Masons, and this article helps to understand the difference.

Masonic Watches

17th century and the Holy Royal Arch

This article focuses on a period of transition between a point in time when we can safely and historically identify the first formation of what could be called as the ‘Royal Arch’ and the historical events that have preceded it.

The Master Mason’s Handbook P3

Chapter 3 - The Symbolical Journeys; We have seen in the previous books that the square and compasses are united on the pedestal in such a way as to form the Vesica Piscis, the emblem of the female principle, and the symbol of birth and rebirth. Hence symbolically the Candidate passes through the Vesica Piscis.

Masonic Pens

Masonic Podcasts

Our pick of the best Masonic Podcasts

Craftsmen Online Podcast

A weekly masonic podcast connecting Freemasons around the world with leadership development, Masonic education, and Masonic history. - New episodes each Monday - Subscribe to keep updated.

Old Tiler Talks – Seeking a Little Light

The Old Tilers talks first published in 1925, by Carl Claudy, is a series of short anecdotal stories told in the setting of a new member asking an old tiler for his opinion on various masonic topics. These short articles are still very relevant, 100 years on, and hopefully provide some insight to new members …

Masonic Ties

Wayne’s ‘Masonic’ World

I would like to talk to you about our fraternal interactions. In Freemasonry, we interact with each other all the time and there are always going to be brethren that you will get along with better than others. - By Wayne Devlin

Mackey’s 25 Masonic Landmarks

"The first great duty, not only of every lodge, but of every Mason, is to see that the landmarks of the Order shall never be impaired." — Albert Mackey (1856)

Masonic Jewels

Profession and Practice

Most of our readers in the course of their experience, have doubtless met with enthusiastic brethren who take it for granted that a Mason can do no wrong. These enthusiasts are thoroughly convinced that the vast majority of those who join the Order are the most benevolent, the most moral, and the very noblest members …

Masonic Art NFT Projects

We introduce a new selection of masonic inspired NFT art collections available on Opensea produced by artists from around the globe.

Digital Freemasonry NFT Marketplace

This NFT serves as a confirmation that the owner is one of a total of 333 founders of Digital Freemasonry who contributes to the development of certain digital tools

Tubal Cain Masonic Aprons

Tubal Cain Masonic Apron NFTs are a collection of 1,000 unique digital designed Masonic collectable aprons, available as real collectable aprons

What is MetaLodge™ ?

MetaLodge is a modern Mystery School offering easy to access courses about the Mystery Teachings. It helps those seeking the hidden mysteries of nature and science, to gain the occult knowledge and wisdom required to master their inner self and outer life.

Book Intro – The Perfect Ceremonies Of Craft Masonry 1871

A beautiful example of a the rituals, produced in a Medieval illuminated script style. Facsimiles still exist of this illustrated ritual book, of which the most authentically produced version is that available from the Scottish Rite Masonic Book Club.

Masonic KT Regalia

Book Review – The Point Within the Circle

This is a very unusual book on Freemasonry. It takes the reader on a journey through some of the esoteric elements that are integral to Freemasonry's design. It shows how the Masonic temple itself is constructed in accordance with three ancient systems. By Matthew Ridgley Clark

Lewis Masonic Books

Reviews and new publications from Lewis Masonic

Book Review – Robert’s Rules of Order: Masonic Edition

Experienced legislators, editors, civic leaders, business executives, and club officers all pronounce Robert's Rules of Order the best parliamentary guide in the English language. Its amazing acceptance entitles it to the claim of being the recognized authority in parliamentary law

join QCCC

How to join QCCC - the world’s first and oldest Masonic research society established over 135 years ago.

Book Review – Freemasonry – Theory of the Origins

This book charts the transformational processes which combine in a peak between the end of the seventeenth and the start of the eighteenth century. by Fabio Venzi,

SQ Masonic Book Store

Selected Masonic Books available at Amazon

SQ Leadership & Personal Development Books

Selected Books on Leadership and Personal Development available at Amazon

Van Heusen

Calvin Klein

Tom Ford

SQ Style – Man

Stand out from the crowd with SQ’s Masonic essentials

SQ Style – Feminine

Stand out from the crowd with SQ’s Masonic essentials


Hugo Boss

SQ Styles

Masonic Apparel made to order, unique designs by Tubal Cain Masonic NFT Artist

Tommy Hilfiger

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