MetaLodge™ is a modern Mystery School offering easy to access courses about the Mystery Teachings.
It helps those seeking the hidden mysteries of nature and science, to gain the occult knowledge and wisdom required to master their inner self and outer life.
*Occult is taken from the Latin word occultus meaning hidden
What Do You Get?
By enrolling on our courses which are created to make lesser known and difficult to understand esoteric teachings accessible to all, you will save years of research through books and videos containing misinformation to throw non-initiates off track.
Upgrade your life with teachings previously only available to initiates of esoteric schools and magical orders all over the world.
Do I Need to be Initiated?
There are two schools of thought when it comes to initiation:
1. Physical initiation ceremonies used in Freemasonry, Mystery Schools and witchcraft covens
2. The inner process leading from ignorance and darkness to wisdom and light. This runs parallel and subsequently to those physical initiation ceremonies which can set this process in motion and accelerate it, although the inner process can be achieved without the need of a physical ceremony.
Training provided by MetaLodge operates on scenario 2 above, meaning you will not need to attend any physical initiation ceremony. If you have been initiated into Freemasonry or an esoteric order then our courses will supplement your current degree.
Do I Need to be a Freemason to Enrol on MetaLodge Courses?
No. Although the MetaLodge courses will be helpful to existing Freemasons, and Freemasons who have since left, who wish to learn more about the hidden mysteries of nature and science.
Our learning system is created in such a way to be accessible to everyone regardless of age, gender, experience, or religious beliefs.
MetaLodge does offer or discuss any Masonic secrets and should be treated as any non-competing higher order.
Just What Exactly Are The Mystery Teachings? How Will They Benefit Me?
Those who have a greater understanding of themselves, the world we live in, and the cosmic forces responsible for creation and destruction experience a greater level of freedom than those who do not.
The greatest minds in recent history have been members of Rosicrucian schools. Here are a few examples:
• Leonardo Da Vinci
• Benjamin Franklin
• Walt Disney
• Isaac Newton
• Thomas Jefferson
• Francis Bacon
• Rene Descartes
• Michael Faraday
• Rudyard Kipling
• Plus many more
What else do all these men have in common?
They all tapped their inner genius and contributed to the world in incredible ways.
Was it through “luck” or “destiny” alone these individuals were able to achieve things that to most would appear impossible?
Or, did they, like many others, have access to teachings and information that the general public do not?
Teachings held within Rosicrucian schools and other esoteric orders have helped many people all over the world tap their true potential by:
• Accessing higher parts of themselves including their inner “genius”
• Gaining a better understanding and mastery of their mind and emotions
• Learning about the hidden forces and energies underlying the whole of existence
• Developing intuition and intelligence under right guidance
• Moving from the darkness of ignorance into the light of knowledge and wisdom
• Becoming a greater force for good to act from the heart and serve others
• Being able to see truth and feel it in their hearts rather than just an intellectual understanding
What Are The Requirements For MetaLodge Training?
The Light of Truth is available to every individual and group where there is an open heart. For it is not the mind that receives the universe’s Greatest Mysteries, but the centre of our being we call the heart.
Every heart will open where there is right activity and intent. To receive the Higher Mysteries, first serve the world with a pure heart and seek knowledge not for your separated self, but instead seeking wisdom for the good of all. Thus the process of initiation may begin.
Humanity needs help. If you feel that you are able to help the world, then you are correct. We all can.
The Mysteries as taught to Initiates of the Temples are for this purpose – individual personal and spiritual growth are simply effects of using sacred occult knowledge to make the world a better place, rather than being the reasons for seeking such truths.
Before seeking esoteric knowledge, ask yourself:
1. Are you willing to let go of the old to embrace something new and improved?
2. Do you accept that the new person you will become will mean leaving behind ideas, beliefs and traits that are no longer required?
3. Are you prepared to speak and act in the highest truth and moral code at all times, for the benefit of all you come into contact with as well as for your own protection from ill consequence?
If your answer to the above is “Yes” then you are ready to embrace and benefit from the teachings provided by MetaLodge courses. If, however, you answered no to any of the questions, then it is time to find out why.
Understanding your Self and your place in the universe is the Great Mystery – for without a hint of understanding this mystery, all secrets are still concealed from you. Only once the illusion of selfishness is slain can the greater truths be experienced.
What Are Your Plans for the Metaverse?
MetaLodge exists to distribute timeless knowledge and ageless wisdom whilst running with the currents of evolution responsible for humanity’s rapid advancement over recent decades.
As the coming metaverse becomes more active and available to the public, MetaLodge will ensure to have a presence to provide you with brand new tools for esoteric training.
Until then, all MetaLodge training will be through video courses with accompanying audio and text versions.
Do You Have Any Physical Temples / Lodges?
There is currently one private Lodge formed and used by the MetaLodge founders for all our activities.
Over time, more will be created so members of our courses can physically meet and receive further training where possible.
Are There Degrees in MetaLodge?
Yes – currently, training is provided through just two degrees. This will expand over time as further necessary. Here is a breakdown of each degree:
The MetaLodge Foundation Degree (0°) – a digital space where everyone is welcome regardless of previous experience, gender, age, religious beliefs.
We offer a modern training program based on ancient wisdom utilising digital technologies, with a delivery that is understandable to everyone regardless of experience and education level.
Our foundation courses are available publicly, with additional teachings becoming available within the initiate degree levels.
The MetaLodge Initiate Degree (1°) – this offers more advanced teachings and practices to those who have spent adequate time living the teachings and strict moral code outlined within the foundation degree and are ready for further training.
Requirements for entry include a belief in a higher power, proof of daily exercise journals where requested, passing written tests and an interview.
Entry to this degree is by invitation only.
What Will I Learn?
Below are some examples of modules included in the MetaLodge courses:
• The 3 planes of human experience – physical, astral, mental
• What is the vital body and why is it so important?
• The truth about the energy centres
• Esoteric vs exoteric science
• Rituals, egregores and other entities
• The journey of the soul
• What is an occultist?
• Levels of duality
• The importance of love and brotherhood
• Learn to spot tests and challenges, then overcome them
• Technology – risks and opportunities
• Low and high magic
• Blueprints and safeguards
Is Magic Practised in Mystery Schools?
Some esoteric schools may openly teach and practice magic while others may not. Ritual magic practice is not a part of our foundation degree.
However, the guidance and training provided in it will cover much ground necessary as a foundation to safely and successfully working with the forces of nature for the Highest Good.
Firstly, you must master the forces of your inner self and have a good understanding of the field of energy in which you live before attempting to master any forces outside of yourself.
Our foundation degree courses provide the necessary theory aspect of esoteric/occult science along with practical exercises suitable for everyone.
I’m Strictly Religious or an Atheist. Are Your Courses Still Suitable For Me?
Yes. Our courses are based on the hidden science behind all religion and modern science. This hidden science is traditionally passed only to those are seen to be ready to follow the path of initiation under an oath of secrecy, regardless of their religious beliefs.
We believe that the time has arrived where humanity is ready and able to benefit from these teachings as a collective.
As you can see from the list of famous Rosicrucians above, people from all walks of life – including modern science – have been trained in the hidden mysteries of nature and science, and proceeded to serve the world greatly.
When Will Your Courses Be Available?
We aim to launch our first MetaLodge course in early 2023 at the latest. Make sure to subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated.
Use the link below to register your interest in MetaLodge Cources
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Article by: MetaLodge™

MetaLodge™ helps anyone seeking the hidden mysteries of nature and science gain the occult knowledge and wisdom required to master their inner self and outer life.
By enrolling on our courses which are created to make lesser known and difficult to understand esoteric teachings accessible to all, you will save years of research through books and videos containing misinformation to throw non-initiates off track.
Upgrade your life and state of being with teachings previously only available to initiates of esoteric schools and magical orders all over the world.
Use the link below to register your interest in MetaLodge Cources.
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