Masonic Podcasts

Craftsmen Online

Craftsmen Online connects New York Freemasons with leadership development, Masonic education, and New York Masonic history. *Disclaimer: A reminder that any thoughts, opinions, or viewpoints shared are that of the individual and do not reflect the position of any Grand Lodge, appendant or concordant body from which the member may hail.


Language: English
Duration: 30mins
Episodes: 50+
Obedience: Regular
Presentation: Guest Presenters


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Minerva Study Circle

Minerva is a group dedicated to the study of the Mysteries, Esoteric research and Secret Societies. Our live meetings are filmed, and our talk show "Minerva Talks" is available once a month. We discuss the mysteries that relate to esoteric topics and beyond. We hope to offer an insight into Freemasonry, the Knights Templar and other secret society's through the study of their ancient mysteries. We also discuss interesting related places, Roslyn chapel, Royston cave and Renne le Chateau are among our topics.


Language: English
Duration: Generally 30 min
Episodes: Less 50
Obedience: Regular / UGLE / UK
Presentation: Two Presenters


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Sapere Aude

Since 2020.04.15 Sapere Aude is an educational response to COVID lockdowns in the world by individual efforts of its host, David Chichinadze. Sapere Aude lectures aim at exploring Freemasonry in all its dimensions including historic, organizational, national, territorial, cultural, and esoteric by hosting world renowned masonic authors, experienced freemasons and key speakers from various fields. Neither the host, nor the speakers, nor participants reflect any official standpoint of or represent any Grand Lodge or Masonic Jurisdiction despite of the fact that most of them may belong to or be affiliated with at least one.


Language: English
Duration: 60mins+
Episodes: 100+
Obedience: Independent of all Grand Lodges
Presentation: Guest Presenters


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Whence Came You

This is the Official Whence Came You? Podcast Youtube Channel. Here you will find a multitude of different videos that are enlightening and educational as well as entertaining. Whether it's a promotional video for Freemasonry that you want to share with your friends or a Masonic history segment, we have it. Check it out and please subscribe!


Language: English
Duration: 10 - 60mins+
Episodes: 500+
Obedience: Regular / USA
Presentation: Guest Presenters


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Keepers of The Word

We are an Esoteric Study Group, whose purpose is to share knowledge of mystery schools and dispel any misconceptions regarding the occult.


Language: English
Duration: 60mins+
Episodes: 50+
Obedience: Regular / USA
Presentation: Three Presenters


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UGLE Channel

Includes UGLE Craftcast podcast and Solomon Live Recordings. The is the official channel of the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE), which is the governing body of Freemasonry in England, Wales and the Channel Islands.


Language: English
Duration: 30-60mins
Episodes: 100+
Obedience: Regular / English
Presentation: Various Presenters


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Way of the Hermit

The first season of the "Way of the Hermit" podcast is dedicated to an in-depth discussion of each degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. The primary sources for these discussions are (1) Arturo de Hoyos' Annotated Edition of "Morals and Dogma", (2) "The Scottish Rite Ritual Monitor and Guide" and (3) "A Bridge To Light".


Language: English
Duration: 20-40mins
Episodes: 25+
Obedience: Regular / USA
Presentation: Two Presenters


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Masonic Lite Podcast

The Lite-er side of Freemasonry. A humorous (at least we think so) conversation about all things Masonic. Sometimes interesting, sometimes hilarious, look at the Craft from the perspective of a bunch of middle aged guys who have been doing the a long time. We chat with interesting guests about life, Masonry, green beans and being over-committed.


Language: English
Duration: 60mins+
Episodes: 100+
Obedience: Regular / USA
Presentation: Four Presenters


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Universal Co-Masonry

The Honorable Order of Universal Co-Masonry is a Masonic Order that is guided by the lofty principles of Wisdom, Strength and Beauty, proclaims absolute Liberty, Equality and Fraternity and accomplishes its aims through Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. Universal Co-Masonry admits men and women on equal footing on the basis that all members of the human race are necessary to defeat the tyrants of Ignorance, Ambition and Fanaticism. Universal Freemasonry is open to all people throughout the world who are willing to work to the Glory of God and the Perfection of Humanity


Language: English
Duration: 30 - 60mins
Episodes: 50+
Obedience: Universal Co-Masonry
Presentation: Voice Over Video


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Prince Hall Think Tank

The Prince Hall Think Tank is a monthly conversation of Prince Hall Freemasons about various topics concerning the Craft.


Language: English
Duration: 30 - 90 mins
Episodes: 50+
Obedience: Prince Hall USA
Presentation: Guest Presenters


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OpenLFM-Open Lectures on Freemasonry

OpenLFM is an independent, informal and benevolent initiative unrelated to any masonic body or scientific institution. It is a collaboration of a researchers' group with different formations and coming from various parts of the world. More info and lecture program


Language: English
Duration: 60mins+
Episodes: 20+
Obedience: Independent of all Grand Lodges
Presentation: Guest Presenters


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Rocky Mountain Mason

Masonic talk radio with the Rocky Mountain Mason


Language: English
Duration: variable
Episodes: 20+
Obedience: Regular / USA
Presentation: Guest Presenters


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Freemasons WA

The official YouTube channel of Freemasons WA and home of The Grand Lodge Podcast, produced by The Grand Lodge of WA Freemasons featuring interviews with local experts and WA Freemasons.


Language: English
Duration: 15mins+
Episodes: less 20
Obedience: Regular UGLE / AU
Presentation: Guest Presenters


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The Freemasons Podcast

A podcast from the members of various lodges in Connecticut discussing a variety of topics including esoteric Masonry, symbolisms, and conspiracies told from the eyes of Freemasons and not the uninitiated. Younger brothers who are king’s at breaking each other’s stones. Not a clean show at all. Come hang out and drink some beers with us while we dive into not so squared actions. Hosted by Right Worshipful Brother George Mudry and co-hosted by WBro Joe Zannino and WBro. Ken Tarwood.


Language: English
Duration: 60mins+
Episodes: more than 200+
Obedience: Regular / USA
Presentation: Two - Three Presenters


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Meet Act and Part

Our show is a masonic podcast hosted by Midnight Freemason regular contributors Greg Knott,Darin Lahners, and Bill Hosler with occasional help from Midnight Freemason founder Todd E. Creason and others. We'll cover masonic and non-masonic topics alike. We'll meet on the level, act by the plumb and part upon the square. Meet Act and Part.


Language: English
Duration: 60mins+
Episodes: 50+
Obedience: Regular / USA
Presentation: Midnight Freemasons


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Masonic Curators

Welcome to Masonic Curators, where we preserve history through story telling! I'm so proud to announce this new venture of the WCY podcast and I hope you are equally as excited to be a part of it. Each week episodes will be released. We believe in Freemasonry as a way of life and that it should be a part of our daily lives. So to do this, We've decided to make the necessary steps to bring something new to the mix. This is Masonic Curators! The goal will be to release a few episodes each week and eventually one every day! A short 2-5 minute video will explore a Masonic item, it's story, history and how I came to be in it's possession.


Language: English
Duration: 5mins
Episodes: 50+
Obedience: Regular / USA
Presentation: Guest Presenters


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Masonic Roundtable

The Masonic Roundtable is a weekly panel of Masons from around the United States who discuss the latest and greatest in Masonic news, events, scholarship, and happenings. Join the conversation!


Language: English
Duration: 60mins+
Episodes: 50+
Obedience: Regular / USA
Presentation: Guest Presenters


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Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, SJ-USA

The official YouTube Channel of The Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America; Mother Supreme Council of the World. The Scottish Rite is a part of the Masonic fraternity, which teaches and confers the 4th through 33rd degrees of Scottish Rite Masonry.


Language: English
Duration: 10 - 30 mins
Episodes: 50+
Obedience: Scottish Rite / USA
Presentation: Guest Presenters


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Hiram Abiff El Arte Real

AL: .G: .D: .G: .A: .D: .U :. S: .F: .U :. Welcome Dear Brothers and seekers of Light. The fundamental theme of this Channel is the constant search for knowledge for the intellectual, spiritual and material growth of man, studying different areas of knowledge such as: - Freemasonry. - Magic. - Religion. - Philosophy. - Exopolitics. - Sacred geometry. - Tarot. - Hypnotism. - Kabbalah. - Hermeticism. - Hidden Orders and Brotherhoods. It's how much: S: .M: .M :. Hiram abiff


Language: Spanish ( English Subtitles )
Duration: 10 - 30 mins
Episodes: 50+
Obedience: Liberal
Presentation: Guest Presenters


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Museum of Freemasonry

At Museum of Freemasonry, our goal is to help you learn about freemasonry in all its cultural richness. If you’re a freemason, the Museum is a treasure trove for exploration. If you’re not a freemason, it’s the perfect place to visit and discover what freemasonry is all about. Our exhibitions and events illuminate the history of freemasonry, explore its traditions and values, and reveal its significance through the ages and around the world.


Language: English
Duration: average 60 mins
Episodes: 20+
Obedience: UGLE / UK
Presentation: Guest Presenters


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My Fraternity

MASONIC PRESS AGENCY | INFORMATIVE FRATERNAL | Masonic Information Channel | MY FRATERNITY is your official channel for a fraternal relationship in Portuguese. It is an INFORMATIVE FRATERNAL. It is an online platform ( where you can create and express the many and varied thoughts, texts and information related to Freemasonry, Freemasonry and esotericism. It is a fraternal space for Freemasons and non-Freemasons and an exclusive online resource, where lovers of Real Art can browse information, ideas and thus inspire the creations of others.


Language: Portuguese
Duration: 5 - 60 mins
Episodes: 50+
Obedience: Non-specific
Presentation: Guest Presenters


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The Chancellor Robert R Livingston Masonic Library

The Livingston Masonic Library lecture series is now streaming online! Check back to see more videos of our monthly events. The views expressed are personal opinions of the speaker and do not necessarily reflect the views and/or opinions of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons in the State of New York or the Chancellor Robert R Livingston Library.


Language: English
Duration: 30 - 60 mins
Episodes: 20+
Obedience: Regular / USA
Presentation: Guest Presenters


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The Working Tools Podcast

Welcome to The Working Tools Podcast, a casual weekly discussion about all things related to Freemasonry. We hope you enjoy the show and please, subscribe, like the videos and of course share with your friends and Brothers around the World. See you on the show!


Language: English
Duration: 30mins
Episodes: 50+
Obedience: Regular / USA / Canada
Presentation: Guest Presenters


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The Winding Stairs

Freemasonry is said to make "Good Men Better" and we believe it wholeheartedly. The purpose of this channel is to share Masonic Education and practical advice on how to apply those lessons into the initial purpose of making Good Men Better. We hope that it also serves as inspiration for those who are seeking Light in Freemasonry, but don't know how to find it. The Winding Stairs Blog and Podcast is produced by Juan Sepulveda, a Professional artist and Master Mason 32° A.A.S.R.


Language: English
Duration: 30mins
Episodes: 50+
Obedience: Regular / USA
Presentation: Juan Sepulveda


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The Ashlars

We aim to spread the knowledge of the ages in the form of paper readings, interviews, and conversations on various Masonic topics. A podcast by Freemasons for the world!


Language: English
Duration: 30mins
Episodes: 20+
Obedience: Regular / India
Presentation: Guest Presenters


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