

October 2021 Issue articles

From the Editor

Warm welcome from the Editor

Elias Ashmole: Masonic Hero or Scheming Chancer?

The debate is on! Two eminent Masonic scholars go head to head: Yasha Beresiner proposes that Elias Ashmole was 'a Masonic hero', whereas Robert Lomas posits that Ashmole was a 'scheming chancer'. The debate has been filmed, the two proposals put to the jury. Read the article, watch the debate and make your decision - …

Masonic Swords

Masonic Miscellanies

In 1849, the body of a drowned man was found in the Bay of San Francisco - what they discovered was amazing.

Masonic Blogs

Each month we choose a Masonic Blog to highlight and share with our readers across the world - this month we feature 'The Hedge Mason' - but why a 'Hedge'?

Masonic Pens

Dr Buck – a militant mason

"To be a good man and true" is the first great lesson a man should learn, and over 40 years of being just that in example, Dr Buck won the right to lay down the precept.

Freemasonry and Women’s Rights – Part 4

The Freemason judge who ruled women were 'persons'

Masonic Regalia

The 6th Duke of Atholl

In 1865, why did over 500 Scottish Freemasons climb a hill in Perthshire carrying working tools, corn, oil and wine? Author Kenneth Jack retraces their steps, and reveals all.

Banquets & Burlesque

Masonic dining and banquets, at least for the annual Investitures, were lavish, and Kent Lodge No. 15, the oldest Atholl lodge with continuous working from 1752, was no exception.

Bricks Masons

The Christianising of British Freemasonries – Part 2

How might the battle for the souls of Freemasonries be identified in a way that ensures thriving in the 21st Century? There is no guarantee of the immortality of the soul of Freemasonry! ‘We study the past in order to free ourselves from it.’ (Hariri)

The Masonic Art of Being a Gentleman

What defines the masonic art of being a gentleman; a chivalrous, courteous, or honourable man?

Masonic Ties

how to learn ritual – recap

Now we are back in the Lodge room once again, maybe it is time to review how we learn and deliver ritual and look at different ways of improving that process.

Freemasonry in China

Discover how the Grand Lodge of China escaped the power of communism.

Glittering Star Lodge No. 322

Discover the glittering history of a travelling military lodge and how their recent historic gathering of Irish and English Freemasonry ended up in the Tower of London!

Masonic Watches

Ashlar Chippings

Hugh O’Neill's regular chippings whilst smoothing the ashlar: - 1)The Stiff Upper Lip - Keep Calm and Carry On – Masonic Style and 2)Ladies’ Freemasonry

The Entered Apprentices Handbook

Chapter 6. Having taken the first regular step the Candidate is given the Sign. This he is told refers to the Penalty of his Obligation, and no doubt it does, but it also seems to refer to something much more startling.

Masonic Ring

Masonic Podcasts

Our pick of the best Masonic Podcasts

The All Seeing Eye

Uncover the mystery behind one of the oldest and most widespread symbols denoting God.

Masonic Cases

Hogarth Reveals More!

Hogarth discreetly embeds more masonic signs and symbols in his paintings , never forgetting, everything he included in his scenes had meaning and is there for a reason.

Officers of the Royal Arch – Principals

Who were the Principals and how do they link Spirituality ? Providing deeper insights into the esoteric and functional aspects of the Royal Arch, emphasizing the preservation, interpretation, and application of divine wisdom.

Masonic KT Regalia

Dionysian Artificers

A review of the "Sketch for the History of the Dionysian Artificers," a fragment, by Hyppoli to Joseph Da Costa - This little work may be regarded as, so to speak, the Holy Grail of Masonry.

book intro

The Spirit of Masonry by William Hutchinson. An essential source for anyone interested in exploring the inner mysteries of the Masonic Fraternity.

Masonic Jewels

Who was Tubal-cain?

Who was Tubal-cain, a biblical figure; a smith, and master of metallurgy?

Lewis Masonic Book Store

Book Reviews and new publications from Lewis Masonic

Book Review – Mnemonic Methods

Within this book 'Mnemonic Methods by Robert Fludd', translator Paul Ferguson introduces us to the English translation of two of Fludd's short treatises on memory

Book Review: Invisibles

The True History of the Rosicrucians

SQ Masonic Book Store

Selected Masonic Books available at Amazon

SQ Leadership & Personal Development Books

Selected Books on Leadership and Personal Development available at Amazon

Tommy Hilfiger

Van Heusen

Calvin Klein

SQ Style – Man

Stand out from the crowd with SQ’s Masonic essentials

SQ Style – Feminine

Stand out from the crowd with SQ’s Masonic essentials

Hugo Boss


Tom Ford

SQ Styles

Stand out from the crowd with SQ’s Masonic essentials - made to order

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